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heart of Oriana: a smile of satisfaction beamed upon her lover; the amiable Philimore had already won upon her confidence, and she was too unreserved to dissemble. Joy, ecstasy taking possession of Philimore, he imagined he had arrived at the summit of his wishes; but in the next moment the whole train of his former reflections and disquietude, respecting the necessity of concealment, rushed upon his mind.

Mrs. De Brooke and Rosilia appeared in view; he essayed to speak, but could not; the dread of meeting displeasure forcibly intimidated him, and he could scarcely venture to pronounce what he felt to be so essential, and upon which he entirely founded his hopes of future success.

"Pardon me, excuse me," at length he ejaculated: "the unfortunate circumstances under which I am at present placed, render of the utmost importance your compliance with the sacrifice I am about demanding of you; and that you will not reveal to any the disclosure I have just made you, if you have the least regard for my happiness: such an indiscretion would be destruction to it! I should be banished your presence, and an everlasting separation would be the consequence! The mere thought is distraction! In the course of a few months I may have the certainty