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conduct his soul to the blessed mansions of Elysium? Like one awaking from a deep sleep, confused images haunted his fancy.

Ellina having reported the pleasing intelligence to the Surgeon, he immediately left them to attend his patient, absolutely refusing to answer the many questions she seemed disposed to make him. The quickness of his pulse had abated, and he respired with more facility; still it was essential that his mind should be kept as easy and tranquil as possible; the slightest relapse was to be dreaded, as likely to produce the most fatal consequences.

Thus prohibited from speaking, it occurred to him that if it was no dream, nor the effects of an excited imagination, certainly the fair creature, whom he could scarcely believe to be a delusive shadow, would again present herself; nevertheless, hours, and even days, passed, and she no more appeared; now that he was recovering, natural delicacy forbade her to approach his cabin.

As by degrees his convalescence became more confirmed, one or other of his brother officers took a seat by his side. All in their turn felt desirous of being admitted to him, Herbert excepted; who saw the propriety of keeping himself at a distance, lest his presence might revive impressions in their nature most painful to each.