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What could the new possessors of it desire more than the renovation of health and strength to Oriana? Inhaling an atmosphere so mild and pure, it was not in vain that, for so youthful and hopeful a votary, the aid of Hygeia, tutelar genius of the place, was invoked—proved by the many fragile forms to be seen daily recovering their health.

The beneficial effects of change of air, and also diversion from novelty of scene, becoming apparent in the renewed constitution of Oriana, she was enabled in common with her sister to pursue her studies, and to give her attention to the finishing part of her education, for which the most competent masters were engaged.

In forming a select acquaintance, time passed very pleasingly to Mrs. De Brooke, until the arrival of the period appointed for the General's return to his post.

Previously, however, to his leaving Bath, a circumstance occurred, greatly calculated to impress his mind with just apprehensions and uneasiness as to what the future might involve. He received an anonymous letter, imparting tidings of a nature for which he was but little prepared. The language in which this letter was dictated was at once pathetic, strong, and decisive.