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her side; rays of celestial tenderness and compassion illumined his looks.

"Rosilia," said he, "I have heard your sighs; I have heard the complaints that your soul has breathed from time to time. You are dissatisfied with the limit assigned you by Providence; your thoughts, wishes, imagination, range uncontrolled beyond it. The narrow boundary in which you move is irksome, and you would seek a wider range. But, alas! hapless child, mistaken child, you wish for that which, could you obtain it, would involve you in a long and dismal train of evils; for never, never expect to find peace or happiness in the world! It is in the shade, 'tis in scenes like these, where all is calm, peaceful, tranquil,—where iniquity of soul, where boisterous passions never reign; 'tis in scenes such as these alone that happiness will be yours,—in the haunts of the world never; there misery but awaits you. Remember him, from whose grasp our awful summons rescued you. Beware! Beware of mankind?"

The venerable apparition vanished; but the last words he uttered still vibrated on Rosilia's ear. They appeared before her wondering sight in hues of burnished gold. Every letter was distinct, and brilliant rays diffused from each. She awoke re-