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her kind interference, and conducted Rosilia from the apartment. Passing into a recess and small corridor opening into a grass plot, Rosilia, in taking several turns with her aunt, had leisure to subdue the overflowings of her feelings. When mistress of herself, composed and calm she rejoined the party.

Seated by her grandfather during the hour of repast, as soon as the domestics, who thronged the doors in bearing away and replacing the luxuries of the table, had retired, being more at liberty to think and indulge reflection, Sir Aubrey became the subject engrossing her thoughts. Perhaps she might have felt awed by the dignified seriousness of his usual aspect, had not such been dissipated the moment of his addressing her, when his countenance relaxed into a pleasing benignity, which inspired her at once with confidence and delight.

And so passed the evening; until, locked within the silent recess of her own chamber, young and enthusiastic, embracing new impressions with ardour, involuntary sighs sprang from the nature of her contemplations. How delightful, were fate ever to ordain her to move in that orbit of splendour, above the common routine of existence! An enchanted country lay before her! and