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The Duty of redeeming the Time, &c.

the promise, Cant. i. 7, 8. When the spouse prayed for direction Tell me, &c quoted above, the Bridegroom replied, "If thou know not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way forth by the footsteps of thy Rock, and feed thy kids beside the shepherds tents.” Go ye and do likewise.

(6) Beware of those things particularly, which leave men to be a prey to delusion in evil days, and for which God leaves them to be carried away with the torrent. And these are,

[1.] Worldly-mindedness, denoted, Rev. vii 3. by the Earth. Carnal earthly professors are ready to get a cast in such a day; they whose god is the world, will be sure to hold by it, when Christ and the world part. Why his the cause of God so few friends, but because the world has so many "The world's ease, advantage, good word, and its multitude, have a great sway with men, to the prejudice of their duty, as in the case of Demas", 2 Tim. iv 10 who forsook the apostle Paul, "having loved this present world."

[2] Instability and wavering, denoted, Rev vii. 3. by the Sea. They that have itching ears after novelties, are ready to be caught in the snare. And hence it is, that at this day old solid truths are loaded and disrelished, and the landmarks set by our fathers are removed.

[3] Pride and self-conceit, denoted, Rev. vii. 3. by the Trees. None are readier to fall into the snare than those who are high in conceit with themselves. The humble soul lies fairest to make its way fairly through, while the stormy wind blows, and casts down many tall cedars.

[4.] A secret disgust of the truth, through a love to unrighteousness, 2 Thess ii. 10. forecited. When practical religion decays in a generation, and sin abounds, the truth cannot long miss to be departed from. Lusts secretly entertained in the heart, prepare men for quitting of truth in their judgments.

[5.] Formality, Rev. xi. 2. Those that worship in the outer court, are ready to become a prey to delusion.

(7.) Be much conversant in the scriptures, “Search the scriptures," say's Christ, Join v. 39. and there notice what the Spirit of the Lord teaches. The scripture is the reed for measuring the sanctuary; it is the infallible word, the