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108. The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) assesses that there are Extreme Right-Wing (XRW) links to the UK from the *** countries; ***, ***, ***, ***, *** and *** (although this is not an exhaustive list and it is likely that links to other countries and individuals exist). However, accurate international Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism (ERWT) statistics are not available as differing thresholds for terrorism and hate crime mean that comparisons cannot be properly measured.[1]

ERWT groups in Northern Europe

109. There are a number of Right-Wing Extremist and ERWT groups in northern Europe—some with links to the UK:

  • The Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) is active in Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. NRM wishes to establish a Nordic National Socialist government by revolution or through the political system. It claims this is a struggle which will require bloodshed. Across the region, NRM has been linked to multiple murders, attack plots and the possession of weapons and explosive materials. In Finland, NRM is a proscribed group—however, members have re-formed as other groups, including: Towards Freedom, The Peoples Unity Association and the charitable body Finland Aid. *** In the UK, ***.
  • Nordic Strength (NS) was formed in Sweden in August 2019 by the former NRM leader Klaus Lund. NS has broadly the same aims as NRM, but rejects its advocacy of using the political system to achieve its objectives, and has attracted the more violent members of NRM. ***
  • Sonnenkrieg Division (SKD) was originally a solely UK-based group, however through exploitation of the online space SKD ***. Since the arrest of UK-based SKD members, the group currently operates predominantly as an online entity with international members.
  • Scrofa Division is a White Supremacist online store selling t-shirts and other merchandise. It was banned from Facebook in 2018 but as of 2019 was still active online.
  • Soldiers of Odin (SOO) is a street movement formed in 2015 in response to the influx of refugees to Europe. The group has a small presence across Northern Europe and Canada, and operates as a street militia, patrolling towns in an attempt to 'protect' its white citizens from immigrants.
  • Blood and Honour/Combat 18 (B&H/C18) is a RW music scene movement, founded in the early 1990s in the UK. In 2019 it was active in some northern European countries: ***, ***, ***, *** and ***. B&H/C18 are unlikely to be directly involved

  1. JTAC paper, 6 September 2019.