a-c, ♀ generation; d-f, ♂ generation. a, Full-grown ♀ schizont (megaschizont), with a large nucleus (n) containing a conspicuous karyosome (ky). b, Commencement of schizogony; the nucleus has divided up to form a number of daughter-nuclei (d.n). The karyosome of stage a has broken up into a great number of daughter-karyosomes, each of which forms at first the centre of one of the star-shaped daughter-nuclei; but in a short time the daughter-karyosomes become inconspicuous. c, Completion of schizogony; the ♀ schizont has broken up into a number of megamerozoites (♀ mz) implanted on a small quantity of residual protoplasm (r.p.). Each ♀ merozoite has a chromatic nucleus (n) without a karyosome. d, Full-grown ♂ schizont (microschizont), with nucleus (n), karyosome (ky), and a number of characteristic pigment-granules (p.gr). e, Commencement of schizogony. The nucleus is dividing up into a number of daughter-nuclei (d.n), each with a conspicuous karyosome (ky). f, Completion of schizogony. The numerous micro-merozoites (♂ mz) have each a nucleus with a conspicuous karyosome (ky) at one pole, and the protoplasm contains pigment-granules (p.gr) near the nucleus, on the side farthest from the karyosome. (From Minchin, after Siedlecki.) |