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1612, 4to: Buxforf, Basileae, 1622, 4to: Ferrarius, Romae, 1622, 4to: Trost, Cothenis Anhaltor, 1643, 4to: Gutbir, Hamburgi, 1667, 8vo: Schaaf, Lugd. Bat, 1708, 4to: Zanolini, Patavii, 1742, 4to: Castellus, ed. Michaelis, Göttingen, 1788, 4to, 2 vols.: Bernstein, Berlin, 1857, &c. fol.: Smith (Robt. Paine), Dean of Canterbury, Oxonii, 1868, &c. fol.: fasc. 1-3 contain 538 pages: Zingerle, Romae, 1873, 8vo, 148 pages.

Arabic.—The native lexicons are very many, voluminous and copious. In the preface to his great Arabic-English lexicon, Lane describes 33, the most remarkable of which are-the ʽAin, so called from the letter which begins its alphabet, commonly ascribed to al Khalil (who died before A.H. 175 [A.D. 791], aged seventy-four): the Sihah of Jauhari (died 398 [1003]): the Mohkam of Ibn Sidah the Andalusian, who was blind, and died A.H. 458 [A.D. 1066], aged about sixty: the Asas of Zamakhshari (born 467 [1075], died 538 [1144]), “a most excellent repertory of choice words and phrases”: the Lisān el ʽArab of Ibn Mukarram (born 630 [1232], died 711 [1311]); Lane’s copy is in 28 vols. 4to: the Kamus (The Sea) of Fairuzabadi (born 729 [1328], died 816 [1413]),: the Taj el Arus, by Murtada Ez Zebadi (born A.D. 1732, died 1791)—the copy made for Lane is in 24 vols. thick 4to. The Sihah was printed Hardervici Getorum, 1774, 4to; Bulak, 1865, fol. 2 vols.: Kamus, Calcutta, 1817, fol. 2 vols.; Bombay, 1855, fol. 920 pages: Sirr el Lagal, by Farish esh Shidiac, Tunis, fol. 609 pages: Muhīt al Muhīt, by Beitrus Al Bustani Beirut, 1867–1870, 2 vols. 4to, 2358 pages (abridged as Katr Al Muhit, ib. 1867–1869, 2 vols. 8vo, 2352 pages), is excellent for spoken Arabic. Persian.—The Surah, by Jumal, Calcutta, 1812–1815, 2 vols. 4to: Samachsharii Lexicon, ed. Wetzstein, Leipz. 1845, 4to; 1850: Muntakhal al Loghat, Calcutta, 1808; ib. 1836; Lucknow, 1845; Bombay, 1862, 8vo, 2 vols.: Muntaha l’Arabi, 4 vols. fol. 1840: Shams al Loghat, Bombay, 1860, fol. 2 vols. 509 pages. Turkish.Achteri Kabir, Constantinople. 1827, fol.: El Kamus, ib. 1816, fol. 3 vols.; translated by Açan Effendi, Bulak, fol. 3 vols.; El Sihah, translated by Al Vani, Constantinople, 1728, fol. 2 vols.: 1755–1756; Scutari, 1802, fol. 2 vols. Latin.—Raphelengius, Leiden, 1613, fol.: Giggeius, Mediolani, 1632, fol. 4 vols.: Golius Lugd. Bat. 1653, fol. (the best before Lane’s): Jahn, Vindobonae, 1802, 8vo: Freytag, Halle, 1830–1838, 4 vols. 4to; abridged, ib. 1837, 4to. English.—Catafago (Arab.-Eng. and Eng.-Arab.), London, 1858, 8vo, 2 vols.; 2nd ed. 1873, 8vo: Lane, London, 1863–1893 (edited after Lane’s death, from 1876, by his grandnephew, Stanley Lane-Poole. The Arabic title is Medd el Kamoos, meaning either the Flow of the Sea, or The Extension of the Kamus. It was undertaken in 1842, at the suggestion and at the cost of the 6th duke of Northumberland, then Lord Prudhoe, by Mr Lane, who returned to Egypt for the purpose, and lived in Cairo for seven years to study, and obtain copies of, the great MS. lexicons in the libraries of the mosques, few of which had ever been seen by a European, and which were so quickly disappearing through decay, carelessness and theft, that the means of composing such a work would not long have existed). Newman (modern), ib. 1872, 8vo, 2 vols. 856 pages. French.—Ruphy (Fr.-Ar.), Paris, 1802, 4to: Bochtor (do.), Paris, 1828, 4to, 2 vols.; 2nd ed. ib. 1850: Roland de Bussy (Algiers, Fr.-Ar.), Alger, 1835, 16mo: Id., 1836, 8vo; 1839: Berggren (Fr.-vulg. Ar., Syria and Egypt.), Upsala, 1844, 4to: Farhat (Germanos), revu par Rochaid ed Dahdah, Marseille, 1849, 4to: Biberstein Kasimirski, Paris, 1846, 8vo, 2 vols.; 1853–1856; 1860, 2 vols. 3032 pages: Marcel (vulgar dialects of Africa), Paris, 1830; 1835, 8vo; 1837; enlarged, 1869, 8vo; Paulmier (Algeria), 2nd ed. Paris, 1860, 8vo, 931 pages; 1872: Bernard (Egypt), Lyon, 1864, 18mo: Cuche, Beirut, 1862, 8vo; 1867: Nar Bey (A. Calfa), 2nd ed. Paris, 1872, 12mo, 1042 pages: Cherbonneau (written language), Paris, 1876, 2 vols. 8vo: Id. (Fr.-Ar.), Paris, 1872, 8vo: Beausier (Algiers, Tunis, legal, epistolary), Alger, 1871, 4to, 764 pages; 1873. German.—Seyfarth (Algeria), Grimma, 1849, 16mo: Wolff (Mod. Ar.), Leipzig, 1867, 8vo: Wahrmund (do.), Giessen, 1870–1875, 8vo, 4 vols. Italian.—Germano, Roma, 1636, 8vo; (Ar. Lat. It.), Romae, 1639, fol.: Dizionario, Bulak. 1824, 4to: Schiaparelli, Firenze, 1871, 4to, 641 pages. Spanish.—Alcala, Grenada, 1505, 4to: Cañes, Madrid, 1787, fol. 3 vols. Sufi Technical Terms.—Abd Errahin, ed. Sprenger, Calcutta, 1845, 8vo. Technical Terms of the Mussulman Sciences.—Abd al Hagg and Gholam Kadir, Calcutta, 1853–1862, 4to, 1593 pages. Medical Terms.—Pharaon and Bertherand, Paris, 1860, 12mo. Materia Medica.—Muhammed Abd Allah Shirazi, Ulfaz Udwiyeh, translated by Gladwin (Eng. Pers. Hindi), Calcutta, 1793, 4to, 1441 words. Noms des Vêtements.—Dozy, Amst. 1845, 8vo. Wörter in entgegengesetzten Bedeutungen.—Redslob, Göttingen, 1873, 8vo. Koran.—Willmet (also in Haririum et vitam Timuri), Lugd. Bat. 1784, 4to; Amst. 1790: Fluegel, Concordantia, Leipz. 1842, 4to: Penrice, Dictionary and Glossary, London, 1873, 4to. El Tabrizi’s Logic.—Mir Abufeth (French), Bulak, 1842, 8vo. Maltese.—Vassali, Romae, 1796, 4to: Falzon (Malt. Ital. Eng.), Malta, s.a. 8vo: Vella, Livorno, 1843, 8vo.

Armenian.—Mechitar, Venice, 1749–1769, 4to, 2 vols.: Avedichiam, Sürmelian and Aucher (Aukerian), ib. 1836–1837, 4to, 2 vols.: Aucher, ib. 1846, 4to. Polyglot.—Villa (Arm.-vulg., litteralis, Lat. Indicae et Gallicae), Romae, 1780. Greek and Latin.—Lazarists, Venice, 1836–1837, 4to, 2 vols. 2217 pages. Latin.—Rivola, Mediolani, 1621, fol.: Nierszesovicz, Romae, 1695, 4to; Villotte, ib. 1714, fol.: Mechitar, Venetiae, 1747–1763, 4to, 2 vols. English.—Aucher, Venice, 1821–1825, 4to, 2 vols. French.—Aucher, Venise, 1812–1817, 8vo, 2 vols.; (Fr.-Arm. Turc.), ib. 1840, 4to: Eminian, Vienna, 1853, 4to: Calfa, Paris, 1861, 8vo, 1016 pages; 1872. Italian.—Ciakciak, Venezia, 1837, 4to. Russian.—Khudobashev [Khutapashian], Moskva, 1838, 8vo, 2 vols. Russ. Arm.—Adamdarov, ib. 1821, 8vo: Popov, ib. 1841, 8vo, 2 vols. Modern Words.—Riggs, Smyrna, 1847, 8vo.

Georgian.—Paolini (Ital.), Roma, 1629, 4to: Klaproth (Fr.), Paris, 1827, 8vo: Tshubinov (Russian, French), St Petersburg, 1840, 4to; 1846, 8vo, 2 vols. 1187 pages.

Circassian.—Loewe, London, 1854, 8vo.

Ossetic.—Sjörgen, St Petersb. 1844, 4to.

Kurd.—Garzoni, Roma, 1787, 8vo: Lerch (German), St Petersburg, 1857, 8vo: Id. (Russian), ib. 1856–1858, 8vo.

Persian.Burhani Qatiu, arranged by J. Roebuck, Calcutta, 1818, 4to: Burhan i Kati, Bulak, 1836, fol.: Muhammed Kazim, Tabriz, 1844, fol.: Haft Kulzum (The Seven Seas), by Ghazi ed din Haidar, King of Oude, Lucknow, 1822, fol. 7 vols. Arabic.Shums ul Loghat, Calcutta, 1806, 4to, 2 vols. Turkish.—Ibrahim Effendi, Farhangi Shu’uri, ib. 1742, fol. 2 vols. 22,530 words, and 22,450 poetical quotations: Burhan Kati, by Ibn Kalif, translated by Ahmed Asin Aintabi, ib. 1799, fol.; Bulak, 1836, fol.: Hayret Effendi, ib. 1826, 8vo. Armenian.—Douzean, Constantinople, 1826, fol. Bengali.—Jay Gopal, Serampore, 1818, 8vo. Latin.—Vullers (Zend appendix), Bonnae ad Rhen, 1855–1868, 4to, 2 vols. 2544 pages; Supplement of Roots, 1867, 142 pages. English.—Gladwin, Malda in Bengal, 1780, 4to; Calcutta, 1797: Kirkpatrick, London, 1785, 4to: Moises, Newcastle, 1794, 4to: Rousseau, London, 1802, 8vo; 1810: Richardson (Arab, and Pers.), ib. 1780–1800, fol. 2 vols.; ed. Wilkins, ib. 1806–1810, 4to, 2 vols.; ed Johnson, ib. 1829, 4to: Ramdhen Sen, Calcutta, 1829, 8vo; 1831: Tucker (Eng.-Pers.), London, 1850, 4to: Johnson (Pers. and Arab.), ib. 1852, 4to: Palmer, ib. 1876, 8vo, 726 pages. French.—Handjeri (Pers. Arab. and Turkish), Moscou, 1841, 4to, 3 vols. 2764 pages: Bergé, Leipzig, 1869, 12mo. German.—Richardson, translated by Wahl as Orientalische Bibliotheque, Lemg, 1788–1792, 8vo, 3 vols. Italian.—Angelus a S. Josepho [i.e. Labrosse] (Ital. Lat. Fr.), Amst. 1684, fol.

Old Persian.—(Cuneiform), Benfey (German), Leipzig, 1847, 8vo: Spiegel (id.), ib. 1862, 8vo: Kossovich (Latin), Petropoli, 1872, 8vo.

Zend.—Justi, Leipzig, 1864, 4to: Vullers, Persian Lexicon, Appendix: Lagarde, Leipzig, 1868, 8vo.

Pahlavi.An old Pahlavi and Pazend Glossary, translated by Destur Hoshengi Jamaspji, ed. Haug, London, 1867, 8vo; 1870, 8vo: West, Bombay, 1874, 8vo.

Indian Terms.—The Indian Vocabulary, London, 1788, 16mo: Gladwin, Calcutta, 1797, 4to: Roberts, London, 1800, 8vo: Rousseau, ib. 1802, 8vo: Roebuck (naval), ib. 1813, 12mo: C. P. Brown, Zillah Dict., Madras, 1852, 8vo: Robinson (Bengal Courts), Calcutta, 1854, 8vo; 1860: Wilson, London, 1855, 4to: Fallon, Calcutta, 1858, 8vo.

Sanskrit.—Amarasimha (lived before A.D. 1000), Amarakosha Calcutta, 1807, 8vo; ib. 1834, 4to; Bombay, 1860, 4to; Lucknow, 1863, 4to; Madras, 1870, 8vo, in Grantha characters; Cottayam, 1873, 8vo, in Malaylim characters; Benares, 1867, fol. with Amaraviveka, a commentary by Mahesvara: Rajah Radhakanta Deva, Sabdakalpadruma, Calcutta, 1821–1857, 4to, 8 vols. 8730 pages: 2nd ed. 1874, &c.: Bhattachdrya, Sabdastoma Mahanidhi, Calcutta, 1869–1870, 8vo, parts i.-vii. 528 pages: Abhidhanaratnamala, by Halayudha, ed. Aufrecht, London, 1861, 8vo: Vachaspatya, by Taranatha Tarkavachaspati, Calcutta, 1873, &c., 4to (parts i.-vii., 1680 pages). Bengali.Sabdasindhu, Calcutta, 1808: Amarakosa, translated by Ramodoyu Bidjalunker, Calcutta, 1831, 4to: Mathurana Tarkaratna, Sabdasandarbhasindhu, Calcutta, 1863, 4to. Marathi.—Ananta Sastri Talekar, Poona, 1853, 8vo, 495 pages: Madhava Chandora, Bombay, 1870, 4to, 695 pages. Telugu.Amarakosha, Madras, 1861, ed. Kala, with Gurubalala prabodhika, a commentary, ib. 1861, 4to; with the same, ib. 1875, 4to, 516 pages; with Amarapadaparijata (Sans. and Tel.), by Vavilla Ramasvani Sastri, ib. 1862, 4to; ib. 1863, 8vo; 3rd ed. by Jaganmohana Tarkalankara and Khetramohana, 1872, &c., parts i.-iv. 600 pages: Suria Pracasa Row, Sarva-Sabda-Sambodhini, ib. 1875, 4to, 1064 pages. Tibetan and Mongol.—Schiefner, Buddhistische Triglotte, St Petersburg, 1859, fol., the Vyupatti or Mahavyupatti from the Tanguir, vol. 123 of the Sutra. Latin.—Paulinus a Sancto Bartholomeo, Amarasinha, sectio i. de coelo, Romae, 1798, 4to: Bopp. Berlin, 1828–1830, 4to; 2nd ed. 1840–1844; 3rd, 1866, 4to. English.Amarakosha, trans. by Colebrooke, Serampore, 1808, 4to; 1845, 8vo: Rousseau, London, 1812, 4to: Wilson, Calcutta, 1819, 4to; 2nd ed. 1832: ed. Goldstücker, Berlin, 1862, &c., folio, to be in 20 parts: Yates, Calcutta, 1846, 4to: Benfey, London, 1865, 8vo: Ram Jasen, Benares, 1871, 8vo, 713 pages: Williams, Oxford, 1872, 4to. English-Sanskrit.—Williams, London, 1851, 4to. French.—Amarakosha, transl. by Loiseleur Deslongchamps, Paris, 1839–1845, 8vo, 2 vols. 796 pages: Burnouf and Leupol, Nancy, 1863–1864, 8vo. German.—Böhtlingk and Roth, St Petersb. 1853, &c., 4to, 7 vols. to 1875. Italian.—Gubernatis, Torino, 1856, &c. 8vo, unfinished, 2 parts. Russian.—Kossovich, St Petersburg, 1859,