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DYNAMOMETER (Gr. δύναμις, strength, and μέτρον, a measure), an instrument for measuring force exerted by men, animals and machines. The name has been applied generally to all kinds of instruments used in the measurement of a force, as for example electric dynamometers, but the term specially denotes apparatus used in connexion with the measurement of work, or in the measurement of the horse-power of engines and motors. If P represent the average value of the component of a force in the direction of the displacement, s, of its point of application, the product Ps measures the work done during the displacement. When the force acts on a body free to turn about a fixed axis only, it is convenient to express the work done by the transformed product Tθ, where T is the average turning moment or torque acting to produce the displacement θ radians. The apparatus used to measure P or T is the dynamometer. The factors s or θ are observed independently. Apparatus is added to some dynamometers by means of which a curve showing the variations of P on a distance base is drawn automatically, the area of the diagram representing the work done; with others, integrating apparatus is combined, from which the work done during a given interval may be read off directly. It is convenient to distinguish between absorption and transmission dynamometers. In the first kind the work done is converted into heat; in the second it is transmitted, after measurement, for use.

Absorption Dynamometers.—Baron Prony’s dynamometer (Ann. Chim. Phys. 1821, vol. 19), which has been modified in various ways, consists in its original form of two symmetrically shaped timber beams clamped to the engine-shaft. When these are held from turning, their frictional resistance may be adjusted by means of nuts on the screwed bolts which hold them together until the shaft revolves at a given speed. To promote smoothness of action, the rubbing surfaces are lubricated. A weight is moved along the arm of one of the beams until it just keeps the brake steady midway between the stops which must be provided to hold it when the weight fails to do so. The general theory of this kind of brake is as follows:-Let F be the whole frictional resistance, r the common radius of the rubbing surfaces, W the force which holds the brake from turning and whose line of action is at a perpendicular distance R from the axis of the shaft, N the revolutions of the shaft per minute, ω its angular velocity in radians per second; then, assuming that the adjustments are made so that the engine runs steadily at a uniform speed, and that the brake is held still, clear of the stops and without oscillation, by W, the torque T exerted by the engine is equal to the frictional torque Fr acting at the brake surfaces, and this is measured by the statical moment of the weight W about the axis of revolution; that is—

T=Fr=WR. (1)

Hence WR measures the torque T.

If more than one force be applied to hold the brake from turning, Fr, and therefore T, are measured by the algebraical sum of their individual moments with respect to the axis. If the brake is not balanced, its moment about the axis must be included. Therefore, quite generally,

T=ΣWR. (2)
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.

The factor θ of the product Tθ is found by means of a revolution counter. The power of a motor is measured by the rate at which it works, and this is expressed by TωT2πN/60 in foot-pounds per second, or T2πN/33,000 in horse-power units. The latter is commonly referred to as the “brake horse-power.” The maintenance of the conditions of steadiness implied in equation (1) depends upon the constancy of F, and therefore of the coefficient of friction μ between the rubbing surfaces. The heating at the surfaces, the variations in their smoothness, and the variations of the lubrication make μ continuously variable, and necessitate frequent adjustment of W or of the nuts. J. V. Poncelet (1788–1867) invented a form of Prony brake which automatically adjusted its grip as μ changed, thereby maintaining F constant.

The principle of the compensating brake devised by J. G. Appold (1800–1865) is shown in fig. 1. A flexible steel band, lined with wood blocks, is gripped on the motor fly-wheel or pulley by a screw A, which, together with W, is adjusted to hold the brake steady. Compensation is effected by the lever L inserted at B. This has a slotted end, engaged by a pin P fixed to the framing, and it will be seen that its action is to slacken the band if the load tends to rise and to tighten it in the contrary case. The external forces holding the brake from turning are W, distant R from the axis, and the reaction, W1 say, of the lever against the fixed pin P, distant R1 from the axis. The moment of W1 may be positive or negative. The torque T at any instant of steady running is therefore {WR ± W1R1}.

Lord Kelvin patented a brake in 1858 (fig. 2) consisting of a rope or cord wrapped round the circumference of a rotating wheel, to one end of which is applied a regulated force, the other end being fixed to a spring balance. The ropes are spaced laterally by the blocks B, B, B, B, which also serve to prevent them from slipping sideways. When the wheel is turning in the direction indicated, the forces holding the band still are W, and p, the observed pull on the spring balance. Both these forces usually act at the same radius R, the distance from the axis to the centre line of the rope, in which case the torque T is (W − p)R, and consequently the brake horse-power is (W − p)R × 2πN/33,000. When μ changes the weight W rises or falls against the action of the spring balance until a stable condition of running is obtained. The ratio W/p is given by eμθ, where e=2·718; μ is the coefficient of friction and θ the angle, measured in radians, subtended by the arc of contact between the rope and the wheel. In fig. 2 θ=2π. The ratio W/p increases very rapidly as θ is increased, and therefore, by making θ sufficiently large, p may conveniently be made a small fraction of W, thereby rendering errors of observation of the spring balance negligible. Thus this kind of brake, though cheap to make, is, when θ is large enough, an exceedingly accurate measuring instrument, readily applied and easily controlled. It has come into very general use in recent years, and has practically superseded the older forms of block brakes.

It is sometimes necessary to use water to keep the brake wheel cool. Engines specially designed for testing are usually provided with a brake wheel having a trough-shaped rim. Water trickles continuously into the trough, and the centrifugal action holds it as an inside lining against the rim, where it slowly evaporates.

Fig. 3 shows a band-brake invented by Professor James Thomson, suitable for testing motors exerting a constant torque (see Engineering, 22nd October 1880). To maintain eμθ constant, compensation for variation of μ is made by inversely varying θ. A and B are fast and loose pulleys, and the brake band is placed partly over the one and partly over the other. Weights W and w are adjusted to the torque. The band turns with the fast pulley if μ increase, thereby slightly turning the loose pulley, otherwise at rest, until θ is adjusted to the new value of μ. This form of brake was also invented independently by J. A. M. L. Carpentier, and the principle has been used in the Raffard brake. A self-compensating brake of another kind, by Marcel Deprez, was described with Carpentier’s in 1880 (Bulletin de la société d’encouragement, Paris). W. E. Ayrton and J. Perry used a band or rope brake in which compensation is effected by the pulley drawing in or letting out a part of the band or rope which has been roughened or in which a knot has been tied.

Fig. 3.
In an effective water-brake invented by W. Froude (see Proc. Inst. M. E. 1877), two similar castings, A and B, each consisting