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In Anodonta these pallial tentacles are confined to a small area surrounding the inferior siphonal notch (fig. 1 [3], t). When the edges of the mantle ventral to the inhalant orifice are united, an anterior aperture is left for the protrusion of the foot, and thus there are three pallial apertures altogether, and species in this condition are called “Tripora.” This is the usual condition in the Eulamellibranchia and Septibranchia. When the pedal aperture is small and far forward there may be a fourth aperture in the region of the fusion behind the pedal aperture. This occurs in Solen, and such forms are called “Quadrifora.”

Fig. 2.—View of the two Valves of the Shell of Cytherea (one of the Sinupalliate Isomya), from the dorsal aspect.

Fig. 3.—Right Valve of the same Shell from the Outer Face.

The centro-dorsal point a of the animal of Anodonta (fig. 1 [1]) is called the umbonal area; the great anterior muscular surface h is that of the anterior adductor muscle, the posterior similar surface i is that of the posterior adductor muscle; the long line of attachment u is the simple “pallial muscle,”—a thickened ridge which is seen to run parallel to the margin of the mantle-skirt in this Lamellibranch. In siphonate forms the pallial muscle is not simple, but is indented posteriorly by a sinus formed by the muscles which retract the siphons.

It is the approximate equality in the size of the anterior and posterior adductor muscles which led to the name Isomya for the group to which Anodonta belongs. The hinder adductor muscle is always large in Lamellibranchs, but the anterior adductor may be very small (Heteromya), or absent altogether (Monomya). The anterior adductor muscle is in front of the mouth and alimentary tract altogether, and must be regarded as a special and peculiar development of the median anterior part of the mantle-flap. The posterior adductor is ventral and anterior to the anus. The former classification based on these differences in the adductor muscles is now abandoned, having proved to be an unnatural one. A single family may include isomyarian, anisomyarian and monomyarian forms, and the latter in development pass through stages in which they resemble the first two. In fact all Lamellibranchs begin with a condition in which there is only one adductor, and that not the posterior but the anterior. This is called the protomonomyarian stage. Then the posterior adductor develops, and becomes equal to the anterior, and finally in some cases the anterior becomes smaller or disappears. The single adductor muscle of the Monomya is separated by a difference of fibre into two portions, but neither of these can be regarded as possibly representing the anterior adductor of the other Lamellibranchs. One of these portions is more ligamentous and serves to keep the two shells constantly attached to one another, whilst the more fleshy portion serves to close the shell rapidly when it has been gaping.

In removing the valves of the shell from an Anodonta, it is necessary not only to cut through the muscular attachments of the body-wall to the shell but to sever also a strong elastic ligament, or spring resembling india-rubber, joining the two shells about the umbonal area. The shell of Anodonta does not present these parts in the most strongly marked condition, and accordingly our figures (figs. 2, 3, 4) represent the valves of the sinupalliate genus Cytherea. The corresponding parts are recognizable in Anodonta. Referring to the figures (2, 3) for an explanation of terms applicable to the parts of the valve and the markings on its inner surface—corresponding to the muscular areas already noted on the surface of the animal’s body—we must specially note here the position of that denticulated thickening of the dorsal margin of the valve which is called the hinge (fig. 4). By this hinge one valve is closely fitted to the other. Below this hinge each shell becomes concave, above it each shell rises a little to form the umbo, and it is into this ridge-like upgrowth of each valve that the elastic ligament or spring is fixed (fig. 4). As shown in the diagram (fig. 5) representing a transverse section of the two valves of a Lamellibranch, the two shells form a double lever, of which the toothed-hinge is the fulcrum. The adductor muscles placed in the concavity of the shells act upon the long arms of the lever at a mechanical advantage; their contraction keeps the shells shut, and stretches the ligament or spring h. On the other hand, the ligament h acts upon the short arm formed by the umbonal ridge of the shells; whenever the adductors relax, the elastic substance of the ligament contracts, and the shells gape. It is on this account that the valves of a dead Lamellibranch always gape; the elastic ligament is no longer counteracted by the effort of the adductors. The state of closure of the valves of the shell is not, therefore, one of rest; when it is at rest—that is, when there is no muscular effort—the valves of a Lamellibranch are slightly gaping, and are closed by the action of the adductors when the animal is disturbed. The ligament is simple in Anodonta; in many Lamellibranchs it is separated into two layers, an outer and an inner (thicker and denser). That the condition of gaping of the shell-valves is essential to the life of the Lamellibranch appears from the fact that food to nourish it, water to aerate its blood, and spermatozoa to fertilize its eggs, are all introduced into this gaping chamber by currents of water, set going by the highly-developed ctenidia. The current of water enters into the sub-pallial space at the spot marked e in fig. 1 (1), and, after passing as far forward as the mouth w in fig. 1 (5), takes an outward course and leaves the sub-pallial space by the upper notch d. These notches are known in Anodonta as the afferent and efferent siphonal notches respectively, and correspond to the long tube-like afferent inferior and efferent superior “siphons” formed by the mantle in many other Lamellibranchs (fig. 8).

Fig. 4.—Left Valve of the same Shell from the Inner Face. (Figs. 2, 3, 4 from Owen.)

Fig. 5.—Diagram of a section of a Lamellibranch’s shells, ligament and adductor muscle. a, b, right and left valves of the shell; c, d, the umbones or short arms of the lever; e, f, the long arms of the lever; g, the hinge; h, the ligament; i, the adductor muscle.

Whilst the valves of the shell are equal in Anodonta we find in many Lamellibranchs (Ostraea, Chama, Corbula, &c.) one valve larger, and the other smaller and sometimes flat, whilst the larger shell may be fixed to rock or to stones (Ostraea, &c.). A further variation consists in the development of additional shelly plates upon the dorsal line between the two large valves (Pholadidae). In Pholas dactylus we find a pair of umbonal plates, a dors-umbonal plate and a dorsal plate. It is to be remembered that the whole of the cuticular hard product produced on the dorsal surface and on the mantle-flaps is to be regarded as the “shell,” of which a median band-like area, the ligament, usually remains uncalcified, so as to result in the production of two valves united by the elastic ligament. But the shelly substance does not always in boring forms adhere to this form after its first growth. In Aspergillum the whole of the tubular mantle area secretes a continuous shelly tube, although in the young condition two valves were present. These are seen (fig. 7) set in the firm substance of the adult tubular shell, which has even replaced the ligament, so that the tube is complete. In Teredo a similar tube is formed as the animal elongates (boring in wood), the original shell-valves not adhering to it but remaining movable and provided with a special muscular apparatus in place of a ligament. In the shell of Lamellibranchs three distinct layers can be distinguished: an external chitinous, non-calcified layer, the periostracum; a middle layer composed of calcareous prisms perpendicular to the surface, the prismatic layer; and an internal layer composed of laminae parallel to the surface, the nacreous layer. The last is secreted by the whole surface of the mantle except the border, and additions to its thickness continue to be made through life. The periostracum is produced by the extreme edge of the mantle border, the prismatic layer by the part of the border within the edge. These two layers, therefore, when once formed cannot increase in thickness; as the mantle grows in extent its border passes beyond the formed parts of the two outer layers, and the latter are covered internally by a deposit of nacreous matter. Special deposits of the nacreous matter around foreign bodies form pearls, the foreign nucleus being usually of parasitic origin (see Pearl).