kingdoms. So it is with the diseased conditions to which it is a prey: there is a wonderful community of design, if the term may be used in such a sense, between the diseases of animals and plants, which becomes singularly striking and instructive the more they are inquired into. Utilitarian, or perhaps rather practical, considerations have very little to do with the subject from a scientific point of view—no more so than the science of chemistry has to do with the art of the manufacturing chemist. The practical bearings of a science, it will be granted, are simply, as it were, the summation of its facts, with the legitimate conclusions from them, the natural application of the data ascertained, and have not necessarily any direct relationship to its pursuit. It is when studied on these lines that pathology finds its proper place as a department of biology. Disease as an entity—as something to which all living matter is subject—is what the pathologist has to recognize and to investigate, and the practical application of the knowledge thus acquired follows as a natural consequence.
Since pathology is the science of disease, we are met at the very threshold by the question: What is disease? This may best be answered by defining what we understand by health. What do we mean when we talk of a healthy organism? Our ideas upon the subject are purely arbitrary, and depend upon our everyday experience. Health is Health and Disease. simply that condition of structure and function which, on examination of a sufficient number of examples, we find to be commonest. The term, in fact, has the same significance as “the normal.” Disease we may define, accordingly, as any departure from the normal standard of structure or function of a tissue or organ. If, for instance, we find that instead of the natural number of Malpighian bodies in the kidney there are only half that number, then we are entitled to say that this defect represents disease of structure; and if we find that the organ is excreting a new substance, such as albumen, we can affirm logically that its function is abnormal. Once grant the above definition of disease, and even the most trivial aberrations from the normal must be regarded as diseased conditions, quite irrespective of whether, when structural, they interfere with the function of the part or not. Thus an abortive supernumerary finger may not cause much, if any, inconvenience to the possessor, but nevertheless it must be regarded as a type of disease, which, trivial as it may appear, has a profound meaning in phylogeny and ontogeny.
Classification.—From the foregoing it will be gathered that the problems in pathology are many-sided and require to be attacked from all points of vantage; and the subject falls naturally into certain great divisions, the chief of which are the following:—
I. | Morbid anatomy. | |
(a) | Naked-eye or macroscopic. | |
(b) | Morbid histology or microscopic. | |
II. | Pathological physiology. | |
III. | Pathogenesis. | |
IV. | Aetiology. | |
V. | Pathological chemistry. |
The term “pathogenesis” has reference to the generation and development of disease, and that of “aetiology,” in its present bearing, has to do with its causes. The use of the term “pathological physiology” may at first appear strange, for if we define physiology as the sum of the normal functions of the body or organism, it may be hard to see how there can be a physiology which is pathological. The difficulty, however, is more apparent than real, and in this sense, that if we start with a diseased organ as our subject of inquiry, we can quite properly, and without committing a solecism, treat of the functions of that organ in terms of its diseased state.
Influences Working for Evil upon the Organism
(1) Malnutrition.—When the blood supply is entirely cut off from a tissue the tissue dies, and in the act of dying, or afterwards, it suffers certain alterations dependent upon its surroundings. Thus, when the circulation to an external part is obstructed completely, as in the case of a limb where the main artery has been occluded and where the anastomatic communications have not sufficed to continue the supply of blood, the part becomes gangrenous (fig. 24, Pl. II.); that is to say, it dies and falls a prey to the organisms which excite putrefaction, just as would happen to any other dead animal tissue were it unconnected with the body. Fermentative changes are set up in it, characterized by the evolution of gas and the formation of products of suboxidation, some of which, being volatile, account for the characteristic odour. In the formation of these the tissues break down, and in course of time lose their characteristic histological features. The blood suffers first; its pigment is dissolved out and soaks into the surroundings, imparting to them the pink hue so diagnostic of commencing gangrene. Muscle and white fibrous tissue follow next in order, while elastic tissue and bone are the last to show signs of disintegration. The oil separates from the fat-cells and is found lying free, while the sulphuretted hydrogen evolved as one of the products of putrefaction reacts upon the iron of the blood and throws down a precipitate of sulphide of iron, which in course of time imparts to the limb a range of colour commencing in green and terminating in black.
The temperature at which the limb is kept, no doubt, favours and hastens the natural process of destruction, so that putrefaction shows itself sooner than would be the case with a dead tissue removed from the body and kept at a lower temperature. Nevertheless, gangrene is nothing more or less than the putrefactive fermentation of an animal tissue still attached to the body. If the amount of liquid contained in the tissue be small in quantity the part mummifies, giving rise to what is known as “dry gangrene.” If the dead part be protected from the ingress of putrefactive organisms, however, it separates from that which is living without the ordinary evidences of gangrene, and is then known as an “aseptic slough.” Should the portion of tissue deprived of its circulation be contained in an internal organ, as is so often the case where the obstruction in the artery is due to embolism, it becomes converted into what is known as an “infarction.” These infarcts are most common in organs provided with a terminal circulation, such as prevails in the kidney and spleen. The terminal branches of the arteries supplying these organs are usually described as not anastomosing but many, if not all, of Cohnheim’s end-arteries have minute collateral channels; which, however, are usually insufficient to completely compensate for the blocking that may occur in these arteries, therefore, when one of them is obstructed, the area irrigated by it dies from malnutrition. Being protected from the ravages of the organisms which induce putrefaction, however, it does not become gangrenous; it is only where the obstructing agent contains these organisms that a gangrenous slough follows, or, in the case of the contaminating organisms being of a suppurative variety, ends in the formation of a so-called “pyaemic abscess,” followed by rapid dissolution of the dead tissue (fig. 24, Pl. II.). In ordinary circumstances, where the artery is obstructed by an agent free from such organismal contamination, the part becomes first red. This is due to intense engorgement of the vessels brought about through these minute existing collateral channels and results in a peripheral congested zone round the infarct. There may be haemorrhage from these vessels into the tissues. This collateral supply not being sufficient to keep up the proper flow of blood through the part the veins tend to become thrombosed, thus increasing the engorgement. The central part of the obstructed area very soon undergoes degenerative changes, and rapidly becomes decolourized. This necrosed area forms the pale infarct. Absorption of this infarcted zone is carried on by means of leucocytes and other phagocytic cells, and by new blood-vessels. If absorption be not complete the mass undergoes caseation and becomes surrounded by a capsule of fibrous tissue—being sharply cut off from the healthy tissue.
Where the malnutrition is the effect of poorness in the quality of the blood, the results are of course more widespread. The muscles suffer at an early period: they fall off in bulk, and later suffer from fatty degeneration, the heart being probably the first muscle to give way. Indeed, all tissues when under-nourished,