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PHILIP IV., king of Macedonia, was the son of Cassander, king of Macedonia. he reigned only one year (297–296).

PHILIP V., king of Macedonia, son of Demetrius II. and Chryseis, was an infant at his father’s death in 230–229. His cousin, Antigonus Doson, administered the kingdom as regent till his death in 221–220, when Philip was eighteen years old Philip now ascended the throne and reigned till 179. His reign was occupied in the vain struggle to maintain the old Macedonian supremacy in the Balkan Peninsula, which became hopeless after the intervention of Rome and the decisive battle of Cynoscephalae (197). See Rome: History, § II. “The Republic” (period B, § b). (E. R. B.) 

PHILIP I. (1052–1108), king of France, eldest son of Henry I. of France and Anne, daughter of Jaroslav I. (d. 1054), grand duke of Kiev, came to the throne, when a child of eight, by the death of his father on the 4th of August 1060. He had been crowned at Reims, in the presence of a number of magnates, on the 23rd of May 1059. Philip passed most of his early years in and around Paris, where the castles of lawless barons, such as that of Montlhéry, threatened even his personal safety. His minority came to an end in 1066. In the long reign that followed he showed no great ability or energy, and a looseness of morals which embroiled him with the Church. Before he was fifty years of age he became “fond of nothing but good cheer and sleep” But he increased the lands of his house around Paris, maintained order in them, and held his own against William I. and William II. of England, whose power in France far exceeded his own. This he accomplished for the most part by taking advantage of the quarrels among his vassals. When Baldwin VI. of Flanders died, in 1070, his son Arnulf was attacked by his uncle Robert the Frisian, count of Holland Philip interfered, at the prayer of Arnulf’s mother, Richildis, but the allies were defeated near Cassel on the 22nd of February 1071 and Arnulf slain. After a second war peace was sealed, apparently, by the marriage of Philip to Robert’s step-daughter Bertha, daughter of Gertrude of Saxony and Florence, count of Holland. In 1074 a new rupture led to Philip seizing Corbie, part of the dower of his aunt Adele, who had married Baldwin IV of Flanders. By this he secured a sort of outpost in the direction of Flanders. The other main episodes of his reign were the quarrel over the Angevin inheritance and his wars with the dukes of Normandy. In the struggle between Fulk Rechin and his brother Geoffrey the Bearded for the inheritance of their uncle, Geoffrey Martel (d. 1060), count of Anjou, Philip received from Fulk in 1069, as the price of his neutrality, Chateau Landon and the Gatinais. This acquisition linked the county of Sens, acquired in 1055, with the rest of the domain round Paris, Melun and Orleans. War with William I. was chronic but intermittent. In 1076 Philip forced him to raise the siege of Dol in Brittany. Peace was made in 1077, and in December 1079 they together besieged Robert Curthose in the castle of Gerberoy. On the 8th of May 1080 the siege was raised and peace made. War with William began again in 1081 over the county of Vexin, which Philip had seized on the retirement of its count, Simon of Valois, to a monastery in 1076. William demanded reparation for the raid of Philip’s vassals and the cession of Pontoise, Chaumont-en-Vexin and Mantes, but died after sacking Mantes in the same year. In 1098 there was war between Philip and William Rufus in both Maine and the Vexin William came in person from Maine to lead the attack in the Vexin in September, and crossed the Seine, penetrating to within 30 m of Paris on the west, but the campaign brought no results. In his last years Philip left the duty of repelling the attacks of his Norman and other enemies to his son Louis, associating him with himself, as “king-designate,” some time between the 24th of May 1098 and the 25th of September 1100.

It was his second marriage which was the cause of Philip's greatest difficulties. On the 15th of May 1092 he carried off Bertrada, daughter of Simon, baron de Montfort, wife of Fulk Rechin, and prepared to marry her, though his wife Bertha was still living The bishops, headed by Ivo, bishop of Chartres, refused to attend the ceremony of marriage, but one was found to perform it. Philip’s open simony had long been a cause of friction with the papacy. When he added bigamy and adultery, Urban II. excommunicated him. The bishop of Chartres, in consequence, refused to bring his vassals to help Philip’s ally, Robert, duke of Normandy, against his brother William in 1094. Bertha died in that year, but Fulk was still l1ving, and the sentence was renewed at the council of Autun on the 15th of October. Philip replied by summoning the bishops to Paris to try Ivo of Chartres for treason. He gained a respite from the papal sentence by promises of submission, but the sentence was renewed by Urban at the council of Clermont in 1095, in 1096, and in 1097, and at Poitiers in 1101, despite the protest of William IX., count of Poitiers, who entered the church with his knights to prevent his suzerain from being excommunicated on his lands. Philip was reconciled with the Church in 1104, and took an oath not to have any converse or society with Bertrada except in the presence of “non-suspect” persons. But they seem to have gone on living together, and even visited Fulk Rechin (Bertrada’s husband) in company on the 15th of October 1106. Philip died at the end of July 1108.

His reign is chiefly remarkable for the steady growth of the royal domain. In addition to the gains mentioned, he bought in 1101 a large slice of territory, including Bourges and Dun-le-Roi, from Eudes Arpin, viscount of Bourges, who was going on the crusade; and toward the end of his reign took Montlhéry, whose lord beset the southern approach to Paris. By his first queen he had four children: Louis VI., who succeeded him; Henry, who died young; Charles; and Constance, who married Hugh I., count of Champagne, and later Bohemund I., prince of Antioch. By Bertrada de Montfort he had three children: Philip, count of Montes; Fleury or Florus, who married the heiress of Nangis; and Cecilia, who married, first Tancred, prince of Galilee and Antioch, and secondly Pons de Saint Gilles, count of Tripoli.

The materials for the reign of Philip I. are in the Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France, vols. xi. to xvi. See especially the critical examination by Dom Brial of the historians who have spoken of Philip I. at the beginning of vol. xvi Consult also E. A. Freeman, Norman Conquest, iv., passim, and William Rufus, ii. 165–302; A. Luchaire, Louis le Gros (Paris, 1890), and “Les Premiers Capetiens” in E. Lavisse’s Histoire de France (II. ii., pp. 168–175). More recent is the Recueil des actes de Philippe I., edited by M. Pron (1908), and B. Monod’s Essai sur les rapports de Pascal II. avec Philippe I. (Paris, 1907). For notices of the principal chronicles of the time see A Molinier, Les Sources de l’histoire de France (II., esp. p. 307 et seq.).

PHILIP II. (1165–1223), known as Philip Augustus, king of France, son of Louis VII. and Adela, daughter of Theobald II., count of Champagne, was born on the 21st of August 1165. On the first of November 1179 he was associated with his father as king by being crowned at Reims, and at once his father’s illness threw the responsibility of government on him, the death of Louis on the 19th of September 1180 leaving him sole king.

The boy-king found himself and his kingdom in a difficult and humiliating position. His long strip of royal domain was hemmed in by the Angevin Empire on the west and by the kingdom of Arles on the south-east. Henry II. of England was feudal lord of the greater part of France, practically all west of a line which began at Dieppe and ended at the foot of the Pyrenees more than half-way across to the Mediterranean, while at one point it nearly touched the Rhone. Philip’s predecessors had consolidated the Capetian power within these narrow limits, but he himself was overshadowed by the power of his uncles, William, archbishop of Reims; Henry I., count of Champagne; and Theobald V., count of Blois and Chartres. He secured an ally against them, and an addition to the royal domain, by marrying, on the 28th of April 1180, Isabella or Elizabeth, daughter of Baldwin V, count of Hainaut, and of Marguerite, sister of Philip of Alsace, the reigning count of Flanders, who ceded Arras, St Omer, Aire and Hesdin, and their districts, as Isabella’s dowry, a district afterwards called Artois On the 28th of June 1180 Philip made a treaty with Henry II. at Gisors, and his reign thus opened auspiciously. But from 1181 to 1185 he had to struggle against a feudal league of his Champagnard uncles and other great