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incontrovertible that living substance is more or less fluid, and that there does not exist any general structure for all cell-forms. But in some special cases all the theories which have been quoted are to a certain extent correct. In different cells there are reticular, fibrillous and granular differentiations respectively, and differentiations in foam-structure; in many cells, however, the protoplasm appears to be beyond doubt homogeneous and without a distinct structure, and only under certain conditions to assume changing structures. But the fact which is of most importance for the right understanding of vital phenomena is that the cell-substance is always more or less fluid, for only in a fluid substratum can such intense chemical processes be enacted as are to be found in every living cell.

Where the analytical powers of the microscope in anatomy can go no farther, chemical analysis of the composition of the cell steps in. By its means the discovery is made that there is no elementary difference between organic and inorganic nature, for only such chemical elements as are known to exist in the inorganic world are found in the organic. On the other hand, however, the living cell-substance possesses chemical compounds which find analogues nowhere in inorganic nature. The characteristic organic substances which are present in every cell are proteids and proteid-compounds. Besides these there occur, widely disseminated, carbohydrates, fats and other organic substances, which partly originate in the decomposition of proteids and their compounds, and are partly used for their construction. Lastly, there are in addition great quantities of water and some inorganic salts.

Such are the structure and composition of the substratum in which vital phenomena play their part. When we consider General Phenomena of Life. vital phenomena themselves in the various living organisms—in protista, plants, animals, man—there appears an incalculable diversity of phenomena. Here, however, as in the case of the structure of organisms, we have to analyse and to penetrate ever farther and deeper till we reach the fundamental phenomena. We then find that the great variety of vital manifestations may be traced back to a few fundamental general groups, which are precisely the same groups of phenomena as those to be observed in inorganic nature. All the processes that take place in the organic world may be regarded from the three different standpoints of their changes in substance, in energy and in form; for substance, energy and form are all necessary to our conception of matter. Accordingly, the general elementary vital phenomena likewise fall into three groups—metabolism, the mechanism of energy, and the assumption of form. Every cell, so long as it is living, takes in certain substances from its environment, submits them to chemical transformation in its interior, and gives out other substances. This metabolism is manifested in several special functions—in nutrition and digestion, respiration and circulation, secretion and excretion. The essence of the whole process is the fact that while out of these ingested stuffs living substance is always again being formed by the living substance which already exists, it is itself continually undergoing decomposition, and the products of this decomposition are what the cell gives off again to the outside. With metabolism, however, there is inseparably associated a transformation of energy. These substances taken in by the cell contain a large quantity of potential energy, which is transformed into kinetic energy. This has for its result the manifold activities of the organism, more especially motion, heat, electricity and light. Finally, the chemical transformations in living substance may also manifest themselves outwardly in changes of form, as is the case generally in the matter of growth, reproduction and development. The three general elementary groups of vital phenomena are therefore in reality merely the expression of the various aspects of one and the same process—of the actual vital process itself. The ultimate object of all physiology is to discover what this vital process is—that is to say, what is the exact cause of these manifold vital phenomena—a goal from which it is at the present day still very remote.

As every physical and chemical phenomenon of inorganic nature occurs only under distinct conditions, so vital phenomena Conditions of Life. are also dependent upon certain conditions of life. Every living body, every living cell, requires food, water, oxygen, and, further, a certain temperature and a certain pressure in its environment. These are the general conditions of life. But the special conditions on which depends the continued existence of the individual forms of organism are as numerous as the forms of organisms themselves. Now, just as the physicist or chemist varies those conditions under which a phenomenon occurs in order to get at its causes, so does the physiologist try to experiment with vital phenomena, altering the vital conditions; and testing the changes which are thereby produced. The great importance of this method consists in the power it gives the experimenter of analysing vital phenomena systematically from definite points of view. Every change in its normal vital conditions which produces any effect whatsoever upon an organism is termed a stimulus. This is the only general definition we have for a conception which is of such vast importance to physiology. According to it, experimental physiology is entirely a physiology of stimuli. It further follows from this conception of stimulation that there must be an enormous multiplicity of stimuli, since each particular vital condition may be subjected to some change capable of acting upon it as a stimulus. But, besides this, other factors may be brought to bear upon organisms which have absolutely no place among their vital conditions; for instance, many chemical reagents and electric currents. These influences come under the general definition of stimulus, because they likewise imply a change in the conditions under which the organism lives. From their qualitative nature stimuli are distinguished as chemical, thermal, photic, mechanical and electrical. Each of these several varieties may, however, be applied quantitatively in various degrees of intensity, and may in consequence produce quite different results. This opens up to experimental physiology a vast field of research. But the physiology of stimulation is not only of the greatest value as a means of research; its importance is much increased by the fact that in nature itself stimuli are everywhere and constantly acting upon the organism and its parts. Hence the investigation of their action comes to be not merely a means, but a direct end of research.

Although it is not at present possible to define all the laws that govern stimulation, on the one hand because the number of Actions of Stimuli. stimulating effects known to us in the whole organic world is as yet too limited, and on the other because those already known have not yet been thoroughly analysed, yet it is within our power to classify stimulating effects according to their various characteristics, and to ascertain a few facts concerning their general and fundamental conformity to law. The first fact, apparent from a glance at a great many of the various forms of stimulation, is that all their effects are manifested in either a quantitative or a qualitative alteration of the characteristic vital phenomena of each living object. The quantitative is the usual mode of action of stimuli. It is generally found that a stimulus either increases or diminishes the intensity of vital phenomena. In the first case the effect is one of excitation; in the second of depression. It is the more important to bear in mind this twofold operation of stimuli, owing to the fact that in former times physiologists were very apt to conceive of excitation and stimulation as identical. It is now, however, an undisputed fact that depression may also occur as a typical effect of stimulation. This is most apparent in cases where the same stimulus that produces excitation may on being applied for a longer period and with greater intensity, produce depression. Thus narcotics (alcohol, ether, chloroform, morphia, &c.) on certain forms of living substance produce the phenomena of excitation when their action is weak, whereas when it is stronger they produce complete depression. Thus, likewise, temperature stimuli act differently upon vital phenomena according to the degree of temperature: very low temperatures depressing