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at Bruges (1903); Catalogue of the Exhibition at Liége (1905); J. Helbig, L'Art Mosan.

Spanish.—Riano, Industrial Arts in Spain (1879); Davillier, L'Orfèvrerie en Espagne (1879); Museo español de antiguedades (1879); José Villaamil y Castro (on Spanish chalices), Boletin de la sociedad española de excursiones (April, 1893); El Tesoro de la catedral de Santiago; H. P. Mitchell, Catalogue of the Silversmiths' Work in the Wyndham Cook Art Collection (1905); L. Williams, Arts and Crafts of Older Spain (1907); Don Enrique de Leguina Baron de la Vega de Hoz, La Plata española; Gestoso, Diccionario de artifices sevillanos.

American.—J. H. Buck, Old Plate (1903); American Silver (Boston, 1906); Colonial Silverware of the 17th and 18th centuries (1907); E. Alfred Jones, "Old American Silver Plate," Connoisseur (December, 1908).

English.—H. Shaw, Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages (1843); Decorative Arts of the Middle Ages (1851); Bray, Life of Stothard (1851), Catalogue of the Antiquities and Works of Art exhibited at Ironmongers' Hall (1861); Catalogue of the Exhibition of Objects of Art, South Kensington (1862), W. Cripps, College and Corporation Plate (1881), Old English Plate (9th ed., 1906); R. S. Ferguson, The Old Church Plate of the Diocese of Carlisle (1882); Atkinson and Foster, Old Cambridge Plate (1883); W. A. Scott Robertson, Church Plate in Kent (1886); R. C. Hope, Church Plate in Rutland (1887); J. E. Nightingale, The Church Plate of Dorset (1889); The Church Plate of Wilts (1891); A. Trollope, The Church Plate of Leicestershire (1890); F. G. Hilton Price, Handbook of London Bankers, with some account of the Early Goldsmiths (1890–1891); H. D. Ellis, The Silver Plate of the Armourers' Company (1892); The Silver Plate of the Merchant Taylors' Company (1892); "The Plate of Christ's Hospital," Trans. of the London and Middlesex Arch. Soc. (1902, new series, vol. i., pt. 4); Sir J. Watney, The Plate of the Mercers' Company (1892); Rev. T. Burns, Old Scottish Communion Plate (1892); J. Starkie Gardner, English Enamels (1894); Old Silver Work, chiefly English, 15th to 18th centuries (1902); "Charles II. Silver at Welbeck," Burlington Mag. vol. vii. nos. 25 and 26; "Silver Plate of the Duke of Newcastle," Burlington Mag. vol. viii. no. 32; "Silver Plate of the Duke of Rutland," Burlington Mag. vols. viii. and ix. nos. 36 and 37; C. A. Markham, The Church Plate of the County of Northampton (1894); Handbook to Foreign Hallmarks (1898), E. H. Freshfield, The Communion Plate of the Churches in the City of London (1894); The Communion Plate of the County of London (1895); The Communion Plate of Middlesex (1897); The Communion Plate of Essex (1899); Sir W. Prideaux, Memorials of the Goldsmiths' Company (1896); L. Jewitt and W. H. St John Hope, The Corporation Plate, &c., of England and Wales (1895); W. Chaffers, Gilda Aurifabrorum (1896); Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate (1905); Cyril Davenport, The English Regalia (1897); Haslewood, Church Plate of Suffolk (1897); G. E. Halliday, Llandaff Church Plate (1901); A. Butler, "The Old English Silver of the Innholders' Company," Connoisseur (1901), i. 236; "The Old English Silver of the Skinners' Company," Connoisseur (1903), v. 201, vi. 33; Percy McQuoid, "The Plate of Winchester College," Burlington Mag. (1903) ii. 149; "Evolution in English Plate," Burlington Mag. (1903) i. 167, 359; The History of English Furniture (1904, &c.); Stanhope and Moffatt, The Church Plate of the County of Hereford, (1903); Guide to the Early Christian and Byzantine Antiquities, British Museum (1903); General Guide to the Art Collections (Gold and Silver), Science and Art Museum, Dublin (1903); Montague Howard, Old London Silver (1903); E. Radford, "The Church Plate of St Laurence Jewry," Connoisseur (1904), viii. 72; H. F. N. Jourdain, History of the Mess Plate of the 88th Regiment (1904); T. M. Fallon, "Yorkshire Plate and Goldsmiths," Journal of Arch. Inst. of Great Britain (1904), lxi. 74; J. T. Evans, The Church Plate of Pembrokeshire (1905); The Church Plate of Gloucestershire (1906); The Church Plate of Carmarthenshire (1908); C. H. Ashdown, Notes on the Corporation Plate and Insignia of the City of St Alban (1905); H. C. Casley, "An Ipswich Worker of Elizabethan Church Plate," Suffolk Inst. of Arch. and Nat. Hist. (1905) vol. xii. pt. 2; F. Guy Laking, The Furniture of Windsor Castle (1905); H. C. Moffatt, Old Oxford Plate (1906); J. W. Caldicott, The Values of Old English Silver and Sheffield Plate (1906); E. Alfred Jones, "The Old Silver Sacramental Vessels of English Nonconformity," Mag. of Fine Arts (1906), i. 280, 371; The Church Plate of the Diocese of Bangor (1906); The Old Church Plate of the Isle of Man (1907); The Old Silver Sacramental Vessels of Foreign Protestant Churches in England (1907); Old English Gold Plate (1907); Illustrated Catalogue of Leopold de Rothschild's Collectton of Plate (1907); Two Illustrated Catalogues of J. Pierpont Morgan's Collection of Plate (1907–1908); "Old Plate at the Dublin Exhibition, 1907," Connoisseur (Dec. 1907); "English Plate at the Church Congress, Great Yarmouth," Burlington Mag. vol. xii. no. 57 (Dec. 1907); The Old Plate at the Tower of London (1908); "The Civic Plate, Regalia, &c., of the Norfolk Boroughs," Memorials of Old Norfolk (1908), The Old English Plate of the Czar of Russia (1909); The Old Plate of the Cambridge Colleges (1909), "Some Old Plate in the possession of Lord Mostyn," Burlington Mag.; "The Plate of Jesus College, Oxford," Y Cymmrodor, vol. xvii.; Guide to the Medieval Room, British Museum 1907); Nelson Dawson, Goldsmiths' and Silversmiths' Work (1907); T. S. Ball, Chester Church Plate (1908); R. H. Cocks, Concerning some Treasures of the Vintners' Company; Hope and Fallow, "English Medieval Chalices and Patens," Arch. Journal, xliii. 140; C. J. Jackson, "The Spoon and its History," Archaeologia, vol. liii.; G. R. French, "The Plate of the Vintners' Company," London and Middlesex Arch. Soc. Trans. vol. iii.; "The Plate of the Mercers Company," London and Middlesex Arch. Soc. Trans. vol. iv.; J. G. Nichols, "The Plate of the Stationers' Company," London and Middlesex Arch. Soc. Trans. vol. ii., Article on "Drinking and other Horns," in Chester Arch. Soc. Journal, new series, vol. xi.; Somerset Arch. Soc. xlv. 2; Oxfordshire Arch. Soc. Proc. vols. xxvi., xxiv.; Norfolk Archaeology.

Designs, &c.—J. Giardini, 100 Designs for Silversmiths' Work, (pub. in Rome, 1750); A. W. Pugin, Designs for Gold- and Silversmiths, (1836); Andronet du Cerceau, Ornemens d'orfèverie propres pour flanquer et emailler: nouveau livre d'ornemens d'orfèverie (pub. Paris, c. 1660, London, 1888); H. Bouchot, Cent modèles inédits de l'orfèverie française des 17e et 18e siècles executés par les orfèvres-sculpteurs royaux Nic. de Launay, J. J. Roettiers, T. Germain, F. T. Germain et reproduits d'après les dessins originaux de la bibliothèque nat. (1888); Le Cabinet des estampes de la bibliothèque nationale (1895); Reproductions of Paul Flindt's designs for goldsmiths work, published 1888; Reproductions d'anciennes gravures d'orfèvrerie hollandaise (1892–1900); Collection of illustrations entitled Die Schatzkammer des Bayer-Königshauses (1902). For an account of the original drawings for silversmiths' work in the museum at Basle see Jahrbücher der kgl. preuss. Kunstsammlungen (1905); Illustrated reproductions of goldsmiths' designs by the Dutch silversmith, Adam Vianen, Etienne Delaune (1519–1583), Reproductions of his goldsmiths' ornaments, Paris; J. F. Forty, Oeuvres d'orfèvrerie à l'usage des églises; J. C. Reiff (18. Jahrh.), 4 Blatt sehr schöne Zierrathen für Goldschmiede, &c.; Giardini, Promptuarium artis argentariae (Rome, 1750); Holbein, Original Designs for Plate, in the Print Room, British Museum, and in the Bodleian at Oxford (the South Kensington Museum also has a fine collection of original 16th-century designs in pen and ink); Viane, Models of Silver Vases, &c. (Utrecht, 17th cent.); Loie, Brasiers. . . et autres ouvrages de orfèvrerie, and Nouveaux dessins de gueredons, &c. (Paris, n.d.); Maria, Livre de dessins de jouaillerie, &c. (Paris, n.d.); Portefeuille d'ornement (Paris, 1841).

Miscellaneous.—Hertfelder, Basilica SS. Udalrici et Afrae (Augsburg, 1627); Masson, Neue Vorrisse von Sachen die auf allerlei Goldsmidts Arbeit, &c. (Augsburg, 1710); Christyn, Délices des Pays-Bas (1769), vol. iii.; Frisi, Memorie della chiesa Monzese (1774–1780); Shaw, Ancient Plate from Oxford (1837); Du Sommerard, Les Arts au moyen âge (1838–1848); Kratz, Der Dom zu Hildesheim (1840); Richardson, Old English Mansions and their Plate (1841–1848); Drawings and Sketches of Elizabethan Plate (London, n.d.); Tarbé, Trésors des églises de Reims (1843); Smith, "Specimens of College Plate," Cam. Ant. Soc. (1845); Cahier and Martin, Mélanges d'archéologie (1847–1856); Filimoroff, Plate, Jewellery, &c., in the Musée d'Armures at St Petersburg (Moscow, 1849); Schotel, La Coupe de van Nispen (1850); H. Emanuel, Catalogue of the Principal Works of Art in Gold, Silver and Jewels shown at the International Exhibition (1851); King, Metal Work of the Middle Ages (1852); Becker and Hefner-Alteneck, Kunstwerke und Gerätschaften (Frankfort, 1852–1857); Fleury, Trésor de la cathedral de Laon (1855); Heider, Mittelalterliche Kunstdenkmale (1856–1860); Der Altaraufsatz zu Klosterneuburg (1860); Aus'm Weerth, Kunstdenkmäler des christlichen Mittelalters in den Rheinlanden (Leipzig, 1857–1860); Texier, Dictionnaire d'orfèvrerie (1857); Bock, Das heilige Köln (1858); Der Reliquienschatz . . . zu Aachen (1860); Der Kronleuchter Kaisers Barbarossa zu Aachen (1864), Die Kleinodien des heil. römischen Reiches (1864); Viollet-le-Duc, Dictionnaire du mobilier (1858–1875); Darcel, articles in Gaz. des beaux-arts, "L'Orfèvrerie du moyen-âge" (1859) iv. 224, "La Collection Soltykoff" (1861) lx. 212, "Les Trésors de Cologne" (1861) xxiii. 98, "Les Trésors de la cathedral de Reims" (1881) xxiii. 98; Way, "Gold Crowns from Toledo, and St Fillan's Crozier," in Arch. Journ. (1859), vol. xvi., and "Ancient Ornaments," ibid vol. iii.; F. W. Fairholt, Illustrated Catalogue of Lord Londesborough's Collection of Plate (1860); De Lasteyrie, Trésor de Guarrazar (Paris, 1860); Histoire de l'orfèvrerie (1875); Coussemaker, Orfèvrerie du XIIIe siècle (Paris, 1861); Linas, Orfèvrerie mérovingienne (1864); Labarte, Histoire des arts au moyen-âge (1864–1866); Baldus, Recueil d'ornements (Paris, 1866), Quarterly Review, cxli. 353; Strada, Entwürfe für Prachtgefässe in Silber und Gold (Vienna, 1869); Zeitschrift des Kunst-Gewerbe-Vereins in München (1871); La Croix, Arts in the Middle Ages (1870); Keller, Autotypes of Italian Designs for Plate (London, 1871); Aubert, Trésor de l'abbaye d'Agaune (Paris, 1872); Kulmer, Die Kunst des Gold-Arbeiters, &c. (Weimar, 1872); Schorn, Kunst und Gewerbe (1874, seq.); Fabre, Trésor . . . des ducs de Savoie (1875); Jacquemart, Histoire du mobilier (1876); Hirth, Formenschatz der Renaissance (Leipzig, 1877, seq.); Danko, Graner Domschätze (1880); Luthmer, Goldschmuck der Renaissance (Berlin, 1880); Wheatley and Delamotte, Art Work in Gold and Silver (1882); A. Heyden, Das Tafelsilber und Silberarbeiten ihrer kgl. Hoheiten des Prinzen u. der Prinzessin Wilhelm v. Preussen, Festgeschenk zu höchstderen Vermählung am 27. Februar 1881 dargebracht von preussischen Städten (1883–1884), J. and C. Jeidels, Catalogue of Collection