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ROYALTY (O. Fr. realte, reialte, royaulté, from Med. Lat. regalilas, the substantive of regalis, of or belonging to aking, rex), kingly state or personality, hence a royal person, or number of persons of royal birth collectively, a member of a royal family. More particularly “ royalty ” is used of the rights and attributes of a sovereign, and especially of dues paid to the crown, which belong to the sovereign- jure coronae, such as dues from gold and silver mines, waifs, estrays, &c. The term is usually applied to the payment made by a publisher to an author on every copy of his book sold; to the payment made to a patentee on each article manufactured under his patent by a licensee (see PATENTS), and to the payment made to the owner of minerals for the right .of working, paid on the ton or other weight raised.

ROYAN, a town of W. France, in the department of Charente Inférieure, on the right bank of the Gironde, at its mouth 63 m. below and N.N.W. of Bordeaux. Pop. (1906) 7142. Royan is one of the most frequented bathing resorts on the Atlantic seaboard. The coast is divided into a number of small bays or “ conches, ” forming so many distinct beaches: to the E. of the town is the “ Grande Conche” with the municipal casino; to the S. the “ Conche de Foncillon, ” separated from the first-named by a quay which forms a ine terraced esplanade; beyond the fort of Royan follow in succession the conches “du Chay ” and “de Robinson, ” and the most fashionable of all, that of Pontaillac. The port carries on sardine-fishing and an active coasting trade, but the harbour at high tide is accessible only to vessels drawing from 8 to IO ft., and at low water is dry. Eugene Pelletan, the author, has a statue in the town, of which he was a benefactor. The lighthouse of Cordouan, 200 ft. in height, rebuilt on the site of an older tower by the architect Louis de Foix in 1584-1610 and added to about the end of the 18th century, stands on a rock 7% m. W.S.W. of Royan.

Royan after passing through many hands came to the family of la Trémoille, in whose favour it was made first a marquis ate and then a duchy. During the first half of the 15th century it was held by the English. During 'the wars of religion it was a centre of Calvinism and had to sustain in 1622 an eight days' siege by the troops of Louis XIII. As late as the end of the 18th century it was but a “ bourg ” of about one thousand inhabitants, noticeable only for its priory, where Brantome wrote a portion of his Chronicles. The prosperity of the place dates from the Restoration, when steamboat communication was established with Bordeaux.

ROYAT, a watering-place of central France, in the department of Puy-de-Dome, situated at a height of 1475 ft. on the Tiretaine, 1% m. s§ w. of Clermont-Ferrand. Pop. (1906) 1451. The thermal springs, situated in the part of Royat known as St Mart, are strongly impregnated with carbonic acid and chloride of sodium and are used in cases of rheumatism, gout, bronchitis, asthma, anaemia, &c. They were known in Roman times, and ruins of ancient baths are still to be seen., The village of Royat proper, a little higher up the valley, has a church of the 11th and 12th centuries fortified with battlements.

ROYER-COLLARD, PIERRE PAUL (1765-1845), French statesman and philosopher, was born on the 21st of June 1763 at Sompuis, near Vitry le Français (Marne), the son of Antoine Royer, a small proprietor. His mother, Angélique Perpétue Collard, was a Woman of unusual strength of character and of austere piety. Pierre Paul Royer was sent at twelve to the college of Chaumont of which his uncle, Father Paul Collard, was director. He subsequently followed his uncle to. Saint-Omer, where he studied mathematics. At the outbreak of the Revolution, which moved him to passionate sympathy, he was practising at the Parisian bar. He was returned by his section, the Island of Saint Louis, to the Commune, of which he was secretary from 1790 to 1792. After the revolution of the 10th of August in that year he was replaced by ]. L. Tallien. His sympathies were now with the Gironde, and after the insurrection of the 12th Prairial (31st of May 1793) he was in danger of his life. He returned to Sompuis, and was saved from arrest possibly by the protection of Danton and in some degree by the impression made by his mother's courageous piety on the local commissary of the Convention. In 1797 he was returned by his department (Marne) to the Council of the Five Hundred, where he allied himself especially with Camille jordan. He made one great speech in the council in defence of the principles of religious liberty, but the coup ¢l'état of Fructidor (4th of September 1797) drove him again into private life. It was at this period that he developed his legitimise opinions and entered into communication with the comte de Provence (Louis XVIII.). He was the ruling spirit in the small committee formed in Paris to help forward a Restoration independent of the comte d'Artois and his party; but with the establishment of the Consulate he saw the prospects of the monarchy were temporarily hopeless, and the members of the committee resigned. From that time until the Restoration Royer-Collard devoted himself exclusively to the study of philosophy. He derived his opposition to the philosophy' of Condillac chiefly from the study of Descartes and his followers, and from his early veneration for the fathers of Port-Royal. He was occupied with the erection of a system which should provide a moral and political education consonant with his view of the needs of France. From 1811 to 1814, he lectured at the Sorbonne. From this time dates his long association with Guizot. Royer-Collard himself was supervisor of the press under the first restoration. From 1815 onwards he sat as deputy for Marne in the chamber. As president of the commission of public instruction from 1815 to 1820 he checked the pretensions of the clerical party, the immediate cause of his retirement being ian attempt to infringe the rights of the university of Paris by giving university diplomas, independent of university examinations, to the teaching fraternity of the Christian Brothers. Royer-Collard's acceptance of the Legitimist principle did not prevent a faithful adhesion to the social revolution effected in 1789, and he protested in 1815, in I8i2O, and again under the monarchy of July against laws of exception. He was the moving spirit of the “ Doctrinaires, ” as they were called, who met at the house of the comte de Ste Aulaire and in the salon of Madame de Stael's daughter, the duchesse de Broglie. The leaders of the party, beside Royer-Collard, were Guizot, P. F. H. de Serre, Camille ]ordan and Charles de Rémusat. In 1820 he was excluded from the council of state by a decree signed by his former ally Serre. In 1827 he was elected for seven constituencies, but remained faithful to his native department. Next year he became president of the chamber, and fought against the reactionary policy which precipitated the Revolution of July. It was Royer-Collard who in March 1830 presented the address of the 221. From that time he took no active part in politics, although he retained his seat in the chamber until 1839. He died at his estate of Chateauvieux, near Vitry, on the 2nd of September 1845. He had been a member of the Academy since 1827. Royer-Collard married in 1799 Mlle. de Forges de Chateauvieux. The two daughters who survived to womanhood received an education of the utmost austerity.

Royer-Collard left no considerable writings, but fragments of his philosophical work are included in ]ouffroy's translation of the worksof Thomas Reid. The standard life of Royer-Collard is by his friend Prosper de Barante, Vie politique de Al. Royer Collard, ses discours el ses écrits (2 vols., 1861). There are also biographies by M. A. Philippe (1357), by L. Vingtain (1858), by E. Spuller (1895), in Grands écrivains français. Cf. E. Faguet, Politique el morale du xixe siécle (1891); H. Taine, Les Philosophes français du xix° siécle (1857); L. Séché, Les Derniers Jansénistes (1891); and Lady Blennerhasset, “ The Doctrinaires " in the Cambridge Modern History (vol. x. chap. ii., 1907). For further references see H. P. Thieme, Guide bibliographigue (Paris, 1907).

ROYLE, JOHN FORBES (1799-1858), British botanist and teacher of materia medica, was born in Cawnpore in 1799. Entering the service of the East India Company as assistant surgeon, he devoted himself to studying botany and geology, and made large collections among the Himalaya Mountains. He also investigated the medical properties of the plants of