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yard-arms, whilst the volcanic mud which fell upon rigging and deck was strongly phosphorescent.

Quite distinct from any electrical phenomena is that intermittent reddish glare which is often seen at night in clouds hanging over an active crater, and which is simply a glow due to reflection from the incandescent lava and stones in the volcanic cauldron below.

Volcanic Rain and Mud.—The condensation of the vast volumes of steam exhaled during an eruption produces torrents of rain, which, mingling to a greater or less extent with the volcanic ashes, forms a hot muddy stream known in Italy as lava d'acqua and lava di fango, and in South America as moya. Deluges of such mud-lava may rush violently down the mountain-side and spread over the neighbouring country with terribly destructive effect, whence they are greatly dreaded by those who dwell at the base of a volcano. The solidified volcanic mud, often mingled with larger fragments of lava, is known as tuff or tufa. Herculaneum was buried beneath a flood of mud swept down from Vesuvius during the Plinian eruption of 79, and the hard tufaceous crust which thus sealed up the ill-fated city came in turn to be covered by lava-flows from subsequent eruptions: hence the difficulty of excavating at Herculaneum compared with similar work at Pompeii, where there was probably much less mud, since the city, having been at a greater distance from the volcanic centre, was overwhelmed in great measure by loose ashes, capable of removal with comparative ease.

It sometimes happens that volcanic mud is formed by the mingling of hot ashes not directly with rain but with water from streams and lakes, or even, as in Iceland, with melted snow. A torrent of mud was one of the earliest symptoms of the violent eruption of Mont Pelé in Martinique in 1902. This mud had its source in the Étang Sec, a crater-basin high up on the S.W. side of the mountain. By the explosive discharge of ashes and vapours mingled with the water of the tarn there was produced a vast volume of hot muddy matter which on the 5th of May suddenly escaped from the basin, when a huge torrent of boiling black mud, charged with blocks of rock and moving with enormous rapidity, rolled like an avalanche down the gorge of the Rivière Blanche. If a stream of lava obstructs the drainage of a volcano, it may give rise to floods.

Ejected Blocks.—When a volcano after a long period of repose starts into fresh activity, the materials which have accumulated in the crater, including probably large blocks from the disintegration of the crater-walls, have to be ejected. If the lava from the last eruption has consolidated as a plug in the throat of the volcano, the conduit may be practically closed, and hence the first effort of the renewed activity is to expel this obstruction. The hard mass becomes shattered by the explosions, and the angular fragments so formed are hurled forth by the out rushing stream of vapour. When the discharge is violent, the vapour, as it rushes impetuously up the volcanic duct, may tear fragments of rock from its walls and project them to a considerable distance from the vent. Such ejected blocks, by no means uncommon in the early stages of an eruption, are often of large size and naturally vary according to the character of the rocks through which the duct has been opened. They may be irregular masses of igneous rocks, possibly lavas of earlier eruptions, or they may be stratified, sedimentary and fossiliferous rocks representing the platform on which the volcano has been built, or the yet more deeply seated fundamental rocks. By Dr H. J. Johnston-Lavis, who specially studied the ejected blocks of Vesuvius, the volcanic materials broken from the cone are termed “accessory” ejecta, whilst other fragmentary materials he conveniently calls “accidental” products, leaving the term “essential” ejecta for plastic lava, ashes, crystals, &c. Masses of Cretaceous or Apennine limestone ejected from Somma are scattered through the tuffs on the slopes of Vesuvius; and objects carved in such altered limestone are sold to tourists as “lava” ornaments. Under the influence of volcanic heat and vapours, the ejected blocks suffer more or less alteration, and may contain in their cavities many crystallized minerals. Certain blocks of sandstone ejected occasionally at Etna are composed of white granular quartz, permeated with vitreous matter and encased in a black scoriaceous crust of basic lava.

A rock consisting of an irregular aggregation of coarse ejected materials, including many large blocks, is known as a “volcanic agglomerate.” Any fragmental matter discharged from a volcano may form rocks which are described as “pyroclastic.”

Cinders, Ashes and Dust.—After the throat of a volcano has been cleared out and a free exit established, the copious discharge of vapour is generally accompanied by the ejection of fresh lava in a fragmentary condition. If the ejected masses bear obvious resemblance to the products of the hearth and the furnace, they are known as “cinders” or “scoriae,” whilst the small cinders not larger than walnuts often pass under their Italian name of “lapilli” (q.v.). When of globular or ellipsoidal form, the ejected masses are known as “bombs” (q.v.) or “volcanic tears.” Other names are given to the smaller fragments. If the lava has become granulated it is termed “volcanic sand”; when in a finer state of division it is called ash, or if yet more highly comminuted it is classed as dust; but the latter terms are sometimes used interchangeably. The pulverized material, consisting of lava which has been broken up by the explosion, or triturated in the crater, is often discharged in prodigious quantity, so that after an eruption the country for miles around the volcano may be covered with a coating of fine ash or dust, sometimes nearly white, like a fall of snow, but often of greyish colour, looking rather like Portland cement, and in many cases becoming reddish by oxidation of the ferruginous constituents. Even when first ejected the ash is sometimes cocoa-coloured. This finely divided lava insinuates itself into every crack and cranny, reaching the interior of houses even when windows and doors are closed. A heavy fall of ash or cinders may cause great structural damage, crushing the roofs of buildings by sheer weight, as was markedly the case at Ottajano and San Guiseppe during the eruption of Vesuvius in April 1906. On this occasion the dry ashes slipped down the sides of the volcanic cone like an avalanche, forming great ash slides with ridges and furrows rather like barrancos, or ravines, caused by rain. The burial of Ottajano and San Giuseppe in 1906 by Vesuvian ejecta, mostly lapilli, has been compared with that of Pompeii in 79.

Deposits of volcanic sand and ashes retain their heat long after ejection, so that rain will cause them to evolve steam, and if the rain be heavy and sudden it may produce explosions with emission of great clouds of vapour. The fall of ash is at first prejudicial to vegetation, and is often accompanied or followed by acid rain; but ultimately the ash may prove beneficial to the soil, chiefly in consequence of the alkalis which it contains. The “May dust” of Barbados was a rain of volcanic ash which fell in May 1812 from the eruption of the Soufrière in St Vincent. It is estimated that the amount of dust which during this eruption fell on the surface of Barbados, 100 m. distant from the eruptive centre, was about 3,000,000 tons. The distance to which ash is carried depends greatly on the atmospheric conditions at the time of the eruption. Ashes from Vesuvius in an eruption in the year 472 were carried, it is said, as far as Constantinople. During an eruption of Cotopaxi, on the 3rd of July 1880, observed by E. Whymper, an enormous black column of dust-laden vapour was shot vertically upwards with such rapidity that in less than a minute it rose to a height estimated at 20,000 ft. above the crater-rim, or nearly 40,000 ft. above sea-level, when it was dispersed by the wind over a very wide area. It is believed that the amount of dust in this discharge must have been more than 2,000,000 tons. Enormous quantities of dust ejected from Krakatoa in 1883 were carried to prodigious distances, samples having been collected at more than a thousand miles from the volcano; whilst the very fine material in ultramicroscopic grains which remained suspended for months in the higher regions of the atmosphere seems to have enjoyed an almost world-wide distribution, and to have been responsible for the remarkable sunsets at that period.

The ash falling in the immediate vicinity of a volcanic vent will generally be coarser than that carried to a distance, since the particles as they are wafted through the air undergo a kind of sifting. Professor J. W. Judd, who made an exhaustive examination of the products of the eruption of Krakatoa, found that the dust near the volcano was comparatively coarse, dense and rather dark-coloured, in consequence of the presence of numerous fragments of