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Accipitrum, It; see San Pietro Accise 6-786a. —LUCIUS ( l-U4c; 8-4 ACCLAMATION (il ACCIUS (I .) i-114c. ic; 16-252b. (dlct.)l-114. ACCLIMATIZATION l-114d. Acco, Pal. : see. Acre. ACCOLADE l-121b; 15-S54< 1S-856G. Acoolti, Benedetto (cardinal) l-121c. — , BENEDETTO (jurist) 1-

o 1-121

— , Leonardo 1-1211 — , PIETRO 1-12IC idtown). .s'(G3). (otiular) 10-


ACCOMPLICE 1.122a. ACCORAMBONI, VITTORIA l-122b. Accord, X.V. 19-596 (A4). Accorso, Fr-aneiscus : see Ac- —, MARIA NGELO l-122d I 14-(130b. Accotink, Va. Z8-11S (K2). ACCOUNT (diet.) l-123a. ACCOUNTANT-GENERAL 1- ACCOUNTANTs'l-mh : se< i-124d: 10-43d. — in Edinburgh, £ l-124c. ACCRETION (diet Acet. (abbrey.) l-29d. Accurn. F. C. i-21Bd; 8.596a 11-183C. Aceumbent ll-2B0b ; 16-328. (flg.). ACCUMULATION l-125o ; in ACCUMULATOR ' i-l26a 9-189a ; dredging 8-5710 hydraulic 22-227e, 14-95a 14-95c; talosraBh26-5l3a traction 27-123c. ACCUSATION 1-1 3*0 ; ACCUSATIVE1-1.14 Aualguate. Aeelum, it. 15-26 <C2) : Asolo. Aeenaphthaleno l-131d. ACENAPHTHENE l-134d. Acoptiala : see Lamelli' ACEPHALIl-135a. .-• !->■„- |.- - Acequia, riy., Tel. 24-12Bc. Accquma, Aria. 2-544JC3). China 21-7 S.1«, . — camnestre : see Maple* — gina!a25-l:!d. — insigne 21-I97b. — Jobelli 27-421a, leaved maple. — platauoides : see Norwa) To make tall use of this Index it is essential to read the Instructions given on Page 1. — rubrum : see Scarlet maple. — saceharinuni : see Sugar- maplo. — semenovii 27-421b. — ayriacum 16-347C. Acera 11-5170 (fig.); ll-521d. Aceras20-I72b. — anthropophora : see Man- A cerates 20- 55 la. 593a Accrdese: see Mann ACERENZA, It. 1-1 (E-F4); (Aceruni (E4): bishopric li (fish). — vulgaris ^seePoi ACEROSEl-135( 15-26 see Klonowiez, S. F. 'count of 18- It. l-136b; 1B-4 Aeetal 1-53 2c. ia8-127d; 25-110d. Acctiibularil 6- 9 13d. Acetabulifera : see Dibranchi ACETABULUM l-135b 25 ■485d. -532b ; ioni vBi..«n.i ±i-c84d; polyinei iam 14-884d. — plienylhydrazone 3-820. Acctaldoximo 20-419b. Acetamfde 1-147 d. Acctamidine l-855b.


Acelanilide: see Antf-febrin. Acotateg l-135d; 6-863d. ACETIC ACID l-13Sb ; 6-66C ; ecopio work 18-407b. — Scries 20-44a ; 20-51b. ACETO- ACETIC ESTER 1- 135d. Acetobntyric aoid 6-55o. — ester 6- 5 4c. AdetOKlut&ric ester 12-141d. ACETONE 1-I30b; "boiling point 2S-941e; in cordite 5-1391) ; medicine 18-197a. — dicarboiylic acid 6-39Sa. — dlearbojtylio ester 6-54c. — diethyl aulphono : sec Sul- phonal. _ 8-747b. jstcr 16-8: Acetyl. — an r.l i ran Hie aeid 22-759b. — arabin 12-7 15 c. ACETYLENE l-137a; calor- ific yaluo ll-275d; carbon atom, valency of 27-848b ; condensation 5-5 (12a, 6- 5 4a; decomposition 10-474b; en- dothermic oncrgy 10-8 1 d ; explosion 26-807d ; light- houses 16-04 lb. — compounds B-54a. — mono-earboxylic aeid : sec Acetylpropionyl I Aee-tylsalicylic at Acetylurea 27-79 Acetysftl 24- 70a. — , riv., Air. 18-693 (07). Achaea, Demefer 7-98IC. ACHAEA, dist., Gr. l-140d; 12-440 (C-D2); 25-612a; 20-931a; coins 19-8 S So ; Koman proyinee l-141a, 23-618 (E3) ; 12-463a. ACHAEAN LEAGUE l-141a ; 10-234b; 12-454a; Deme- trius II. 7-9S2dr Helice 1- 140d; Soman wars23-B31d, __ „...., 10 -476 C - Sparta 25- 6 13a, 8-4A4a ACHAEANS l-141d ; 2-583o : 19-748a; dialect 1S-496C, 12-4980 ; in Egvpt 7-425b, 8-85c;Homerlfiaeel2-442c; Trojan legend 27-315b. Achaea Phthlotis. diet., Or., 12-440 (Dl): l-140d. ACHAEMENES 1-1 42b i 14- — (son o( Darius I.) l-142e ; 9-88a. AciiaeiTienidae l-142b ; 21- 206d; architecture 2-376b, 14-428c ; inscriptions 21- 247c. See also Cyrus, Darius. lish, mt.. Soot, 24-418 ', Gr. : see Achaea. i, nits., Gr. 12-440 (D2). ,us(bibl.)7-151c. (philosopher) 21-1 03d. —jhakzais 8- , Achalda, India 14- Achallt. lake. Scot. Achai^o, tribe 22-6 1 iharn. Sco laUs 15-729U. Acharnae, Gr, Achariiian Gate anellidac 13- 8 6c. 12-440 (C2). yth.| l-77flc; 12- Gr. l-142c; _, see Bath. Aehen. Sum. : see. Achin. — , pass, Ans. 3-4 (B3). Achenan, riy., Fr. 16-923d. ACHENBACH, ANDREAS 1- 142d. — , Oswald 1-liad. Achonoll-25Mb. Aehenkirch, Aus. 3-4 (E3). G15); 27-216a. 4-382 WALL, GOTTFRIED 1; 2B-80Gd. Fr. 10-778 (AS). Gcr. 11-808 (B4). r (astron.) 9-740d; 7- m (myth.) 1-U3a; ,^Gp.'l2.44CI(Bl). „N.Z. 19-621 (D5). piitia : see Death's head isia Chersonesus : tee a, cape, Turk.As. is. It. : me Fusaro. r, Lucd'17-I88d.

, Fr. 10-778 (Fl).

ichias 8-30S6. i-ehielt, Ben, Scot. : se. Chiolt, Ben a. iehieyement (heraldry) 13. 62a. iehittan, Can. 5-160 (C-D2). 6-168 (CI). (D2): 16-93 hiknlak, diet., IM il6d. hill, head. Ire. 14-7 e. 14-744 (B3). ..,Ire.l4-T44(A3) H12c; 13 : Te8ti; ACHILLES 1-I43b ; 1- Amazona l-700c ; A chus2-126d;barrow3- Chalcidian ynse 12- Olbia cult 20-G4a; £ legonds 24-52Sd ; s HydeFark28-548a; tc problom 28-970d. — . Claudio l-144b. — , Gioyanni Filoteo — . J. P. 14-9081). ACHIMENES l-144c Achin, Sum. : see E ACHIN, Kovt., Sim AohiorlB-542d. Aehkanl4-419a. Aohmet : si

e Ah i >i

st-Aga (Buaorns) itha. Pecs. : see '. carry House, Sco Aclinanthes . iiiashellacli. (C2); Z3-712< t.24-412(D2). Scot. 24-112 14-370 (GO); ACHOLI, tribe 1-i-loo; l-328o i Aehomawi, tribe 14- 4 5 Da. Achondroplasia 7-430d ; 23- Aohonry, Ire. 14-744 (C2) ; 25. 242a. Achor, yalley. Pal. 12-18b SchOnleiuil 10-215c !5-7411. 20-706a. 26-3 Oil). — lcnal-59d;8-245c;26-560b; Wollond'a 8-392a. ACHROMATISM (optics) 145d: l-59c. chroodestrln III. : se e Malt cht 3- 3 05 d. chWrawe, fort, Sc 721d. 23-872 (I. Fl). .chvarasdal moop, logy 4-959c. 350a ; specific rotaUou 2 893c; Lvpe»6-40b. ACIDALItlS, VALENS 1-147 Acid alizarin 8-750a. — albuminsl-514b. ACID AMIDES 1-1470 r 6-51 — am ido -chlorides 6- 51c. — anhydride 6-51b. Aeidaspis20-237d. ACINUS l-148a. in da), Sp. 23-69 Oa. i 2S-10S2c; 26- Aeker-DouKlas process 1-68: Ackcrc, Maria van 10-496a. ACKERMAN, FRANCIS — , 3. C. : see Schroder, S. C. ickermanyille. Fa. 21-108 (M4). ckeryille, Ala. 1-460 (B3L iekloy, la, 14-732 (D3).