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Music : Biographies (cont.)

Patoy, Janet Monaco Patti, Adelina J. M, Pearsall, R. L. de Phillips, Adelaide Piatti, G. A. Piersonl'Henry Hugo I'iusuti, Ciro Plannilettc, Robert Plevel, I. J. Ponehielli, A. Popper, David Porpora, X. A. Potter, P. Cipriani H. Practorius, Michael Sainton, P. P. C. Sainton -Dolby, 0. H. Salnt-Saena, C. a Salierf, Antonio Santlcy, Sir Charles Saraaate y Navasou. r. M. M. de Sueher, Boso Thulben . Thomas Turle, Jamoa Verdi, G. F. F. Victoria (Vittor1a),T,I,. Vioustemps, Honrl Vinci, Leonardo Viotti, G. B. ".'Richard Wallac Web™! W. ' P. E. v. slay, Samuel ! illield, J. CV lor, C. M. sniawski, nenr yjrocht, w. i', elll, Joseph

Painting and Engraving : Subjects

Wood Engraving

Painting and Engraving : Biographies

Abatl (DelTAbbato), N. Beekwith, J. < uiiello da Messing CaUcott.SirA. W. Begas, Karl Callot, Jacques Calvart, Denis Bellows, Albert F. Cambiaai," Jjuua Benson, F. W. Oamphausen, Wilhelm Burr: Hem, Nieolaas Camphnyson, D. R. Bcsnard, P. A. Beverley, V, It. Cumuccini, Vlnconzo licwick, Thomas Canale (CanaleUo), A. Bierstadt, Albeit Canini, G. A. Blackburn, Jonathan Blake, William BlakoWk, K. A, Caraeci,Lodovico, Ago= Blanche, J. JC Carun d'Acho Bloemacrt, Abraham Caravagglo, M. A. da Caravaggio, P. C da Blum. If. F. Oardueci, Bartolomnioa Bbcklin, Arnold Carolus-Duran .' Bone. Ilcnrv CaiTiatcio, Vfttorlo Bonligli, Benedetto Carpi, Glrolamo da Bouheur, Itosa Carpi, Ugo da Bonnat. J.. J. F. Carstons.A. J. Bordonc, Paris Cassana, Nicoolo Castogno, Andrea- del Bosch, Jorom Castello, Bernardo Caatollo. G. B. Botticelli, Sanilro Caatigllonc, G. B. Cattermole, George Boughtou, <j. II. Cuvallini, Pietro Bougucreau, A. W. S™!"^ c « amilr > Cazin, J. C. =abki de Brangwyn, Frank Baer, William Jacob Brascaasat, J. R. Chardin, J. 8. Baguacavallo, B- Bredael, J. T. van Charlet, N. T. Baldimicci, Filippo Breton, Julea A. A, L. Chase, W. M. Breughel, Pieter Chasseriau, Theodon Barbicri, G. F. Chodowiccki, D. N. Briefly, Sir 0. W. Bawv'"'janiBa rie0 Bril, Paul Cicognara, Leopold Bartels, Ham von Bronzino, 11 ilartoiommoo di Pag Cignani, Carlo Oigoli (Civoli), L. a. Ilartolozzi, Francesco Brown, J-' old Mados: Cimabue, Giovanni Bassano, Jacopo da Brown, John George Ponte Browne, Hablflt Knight Baotien -Lepage, Jules Brush, G. do Forest Civerohio, Viueenzo Batoni. P. G. Clarke, T. S. Baudry, P. J. A. Bun bury, II. W. Claude of Lorraine Begird. William H. Burekhardt, Jakob Clausen, Georgo Burpkmair, Hans Clays, Paul .Jean Beam-, Cecilia Burnc-J ones. Sir E. B. Clouet, Francois Buseh, Wilhelm Cabanel, Alexandre Calcar (KaJoker), de Painting and Engraving l BiograpMe. Colo, Th Cole, Ti Colo, Ti Sthy Hans Cohnan Conea, fc ..!' Faithorne, William I. H. T. Mousch, Willcni Heydeu, Jaii Tan der Hildobrandt, Kduard Baldaa- Hilton, Williai ibbema. Me ruder Hogarth, William Crane, Waiter Crayer,. Gaspard Credi, Lorenzo di Crespi, Daniclo Crenwiek, Thorn Crivclli, Carlo Crome, John Cropsey, J. F. Crowe, Sir -J. A. Cruikshank, Got DahF, Mans Ha iFi'BD] no IKCl r Cliarlee II H ndocoete r,Melchio d' H ne, Natl H iorard va II och, Pie crde H H ok,. Jam S5SK jiClaike n skins. Jo Hotho. Hoi nrich Gustav H vendon. L'homns rg (family H II jit, Alfred William Gifford, S. R. Gilbert, Sir Jo Gillot, Claudo Gillraj-, James Giordano, Luc rodetdoRoussy,A,L. Johnao: ohnson), Cor- ran Nuyssen, Cordon, Sir J. W. Keller, Albert hard Gould, Sir F. C. Kenaett,J.F. John Goya y J.ucicntcs, F Khnopft, F.- E. J. M F, Goyen, J. J.-van Gozzoli, Beuozzo Klinger, Mas: Kneller, Sir Godfrey Knight, Daniel Ri Granel, F. M. , G. 1. P. B. Grant, Sir Francis lomaa Jiray, Uenry Peters Knight, John Busto Koninck, Philip de Korin, Ogalii her Brown rccnawav, Kato "Kyosai, Sho-fu reoht Gregory, Edward Jo hn Laer, Pieter van En^t l, Wya ' ■. Jean, Lagrenec, L. J. I Lo Bran, Charles Leech, John Legros, Alphonae