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JOYCE, THOMAS ATHOL, 1K.A. (T. A. J.) Ababda ; Africa, Ethnology ; Bechuana ; Costume (in part) ; Hamitic Races (I.) ; Kavirondo ; Negro (in part). JULG, BERNHARD. (B.J.) Mongols, Language. KARAGEORGEVITCH, PRINCE BOJIDAR. - (B. K.) KEANE, PROF. AUGUSTUS HENRY, LL.D., F.R.Gil., F.R.Anthrop.Inst, (A. H. K.) Tripoli (North Africa) (in part) ; Ural-Altaic. KEARY, CHARLES FRANCIS, M.A. (C. F. K.) Viking. KEIPER, FRANK, A.M. (F, Kb.) Voting Machines. KELLY, COLONEL R. M. B. F., D.S.O. (R. M. B. F. K.) Sights. KELSEY, CLARENCE HILL, A.M., LL.B. (C. H. K.) Title Guarantee Companies. KELTIE, JOHN SCOTT, LL.D., F.S.S., F.S.A. (J. S. K.) Abbadie ; Africa, History ; Congo Free State (in part) ; Fin- land {in part) ; Flinders, Matthew ; Livingstone, David National Debt {in part). KEMP, PROF. JAMES FURMAN, D.SC. (J. F. K.) Mineral Deposits. KEMPE, HARRY ROBERT, M.InstC.E. (H. R K.) Pneumatic Despatch ; Telegraph ; Telephone. KENDRICK, A. F. (A. F K.) Embroidery (in part). KENNEDY, SIR ALEXANDER BLACKIE WILLIAM, LL.D., F.R.S. (A. B. W. K.) Friction. KENNEDY, REV. ARCHIBALD R. S., M.A., D.D. (A. R. S K.) Tabernacle; Temple (in part). KENNEDY, SIR CHARLES MALCOLM, K.C.M.G. (C. M. K ) Commercial Treaties ; Free Ports. KENNEDY, RT. HON. SIR WILLIAM R ANN, LL.D (W. R K.)' Russell of Killowen, Lord. KENNETT, REV. ROBERT HATCH, M.A., D.D. (R H K.) Psalms, Book of (in part) KENT, WILLIAM CHARLES MARK. (C. K.) Bailing, Lord. KERR, PROF. JOHN GRAHAM, M.A., F.R.S. (J C K ) Cyclostomata ; Ichthyology {in part) ; Ray (in part) Selachians Shark (in part). KESSLER, PROF. KONRAD, Ph.D. (K. K ) Mandeans (in part). KEUTGEN, PROF. FRIEDRICH WILHELM EDUARD. Ph.D. (F.K) Commune, Medieval KEYNES, JOHN NEVILLE, M.A., D.SC {] N K.) Jevons, William Stanley. KHNOPFF, FERNAND. (F. K.*) Madou; Painting, Modern Belgian . Portaels, J. F KIDD, BENJAMIN, D.C.L. (B. K.*) Sociology. KIKUCHI, BARON DAIROKU, M.A., DJSc, LL.D. (K .) Japan, Tke Claim of Japan KING, LEONARD WILLIAM, M.A., F.S.A. (L. W K ) Babylonia and Assyria, Chronology , Nippur, The Deluge Fragment. KINGSFORD, CHARLES LETHBRIDGE, M.A., F.R.Hlst.S.. F.S.A. (C. L.K.) Edward IV. ; Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of Henry IV., V. and VI.; Lancaster, John of Gaunt, Duke of, Richard II. and III.; Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of. York. Richard, Duke of, and other English biographies of the same period. KIRK, EDWARD CAMERON, D.Sc. (E. C. K.) Dentistry. KIRKUP, THOMAS, M.A., LL.D. (T. K.) Essenes (in part) ; Hadrian {in part) ; Julian the Apostate fin parti '• Lassalle ; Saint-Simon, Comte oe (in pari). KTTCHIN, VERY REV. GEORGE WILLIAM, M.A, D.D., F.S.A. (G. W. K.) Hutten, Ulrica von. KKECHT, PROP. EDMUND, Ph.D., M.ScTech., F.I.C. (E. K.) Bleaching ; Dyeing ; Finishing ; Indigo ; Mercerizing ; Textile Printing, Manufacturing. KNOTT, CARGILL GILSTON, D.Sc (C. G. K.) Photometry. KNOX, PROF. GEORGE WILLIAM, D.D., LL.D. (G. W. Kk.) Christianity. KNOX, CAPTAIN HOWARD V., M.A. (H. V. K.) Alps, Flora and Fauna. KNOX, WINIFRED F. (W. F. K.) Saladin. KONODY, PAUL GEORGE. (P. G. K.) Bordone ; Donatello ; Hals, Frans ; Rubens {in part) ; Sculp- ture [in part) ; Terriers (in part) ; Van Dyck (in part) , Watteau, Antoine ; &c. KONOW, PROF. STEN, Ph.D. (S. K.) Dra vidian ; Mundas ; Tibeto-Burman Languages. KRAUS, PROF. FRANZ XAVER. (F. X. K.) Papacy* History igjo-iqoo. KROPOTKIN, PRINCE PETER ALEXEIVITCH. (P. A. K.) Anarchism ; Lithuanians and Letts, History ; and articles on Russian topography KRUGER, PROF. GUSTAV, Ph.D. (G. K.) Arius ; Athanasius , Augustine, Saint (of Hippo) , Hippolytns ; Irenaeus, Justin Martyr KRUMBACHER, PROF. KARL. (K. Kr.) Greek Literature, II. Byzantine. KRUMMEL, PROF. OTTO, Ph.D. (O.K.) Ocean and Oceanography (in part). KUNZ, GEORGE FREDERICK, A.M., Ph.D., D.Sc. (G. F. K.) Lapidary and Gem-Cutting. LABROSSE, HENRI. (H. L.) Hugh of St Cher. LACOUPERIE, A. TERRIEN DE, D.LItt. (T. de L.) Tibet {in part) LAKE, PROF. KIRSOPP, M.A. (K. L.) Bible, New Testament, Tents and Versions and Textual Criticism , Mary, the mother of Jesus (in part) ;. Peter, Saint, Peter, Epistles of . Soden, Hermann von , Tatian. LAKE, PHILIP, M.A., F.G.S. (P La.) Geological sections of Alps , Asia, Austria, China, Europe; Germany , Himalaya , Japan , Sweden , &c. LAMB, PROF. HORACE, M.A., LL.D., D.Sc, F.R.S. (H. Lb.) . Dynamics ■ Harmonic Analysis ; Mechanics, Theoretical Vector Analysis ; Wave. LAMOUREUX, ANDREW JACKSON. (A. J. L.) Argentina, Geography Bolivia, Geography and Statistics, Brazil. Geography and Statistics , Buenos Aires ; Chile, Geography and Statistics ; Colombia, Geography and Statistics , Mexico, Geography. Peru, Geography and Statistics; Vene- zuela, Geography and Statistics &c. LANE-NOTTER, J., M.A., M.D. (J L.-N.) Soil, Soil and Disease LANE-POOLE, STANLEY, M.A., D.Litt. (S. L.-P.) Burton, Sir Richard F , Egypt, History, II. {in part). LANESSAN, JEAN MARIE ANTOINE DE. (J. M. A. de L.) Indo-China, French (m part) LANG, ANDREW, LL.D. (A. L.) Scotland, History Apparitions ; Ballads ; Casket Letters^ Crystal-Gazing , Fairy : Family ; Gumey, Edmund , Baunt- ings , La Cloche , Mohere ; Mythology ; Name (Local and Persona! Name*) . Poltergeist ; Prometheus ; Psychical Re- search ; Second Sight; Tale; Totemism. LANG, PROF. WILLIAM H., D.Sc (W.H.L.) Bryophyta ; Pteridophyta. LANKESTER, SIR EDWIN RAY, K.C.B., F.R.S., D.Sc, LL.D. (E.R.L.) Arachnida ; Arthropoda ; Lamellibranchia {»» part) ; Meta- merism ; Mollusca (in part) ; Mussel (in part) ; Zoology. LAPWORTH, PROF. CHARLES, M.Sc, LL.D., P.G.S., F.R.S. (CL.*) Graptohtes. LARMOR.SIR JOSEPH, M.P.,DJ3c, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. (J.L.*) Aether; Ener— '-"— - " '-"■■ --« - ™- J ---^— -™- *• Radiometer ; LATOUCHE, ROBERT. (R. La.)