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F.B.* FRITZ BOEHM. On the staff of the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. /Germany: Reform of the School System.

F. C. E. FRANZ CARL ENDRES. f Major, late General Staff, Turkish Army. Author of a Life of Moltke; Die Ruine Essad. des Orients; etc. Member of Committee, German League of Nations Union.

F. C. H. CAPTAIN FREDERICK CROSSFIELD HAPPOLD, D.S.O. f T . ,,.,. Late General Staff (Intelligence), V. Army, and Lecturer at the Intelligence fMe l Military School. Harrow-on- the-Hill. W P arl )- (

F. C. Mo. FREDERICK CECIL MOORE, H.M.C.S. Head of the Sugar and Rationing Department for Ireland during the World { Ireland: Statistics. War.

F. D. S. F. D. SANER, M.A. (Cantab.), F.R.C.S. Surgeon to Out-Patients, Great Northern Hospital, London. Surgeon, Evelina Hospital for Children. Late Consulting Surgeon, British Rhine Army.

F. E. W.* LIEUTENANT-COLONEL FREDERICK ERNEST WHITTON, C.M.G., B.A. Late Prince of Wales's Leicester Regiment. Formerly Secretary, Historical Section, Committee of Imperial Defence. Author of The Marne Campaign; A History of Poland; M alike; etc.

F. G. Y. FREDERIC GEORGE YOUNG, B.A., LL.D. Dean of the School of Sociology and Professor of Sociology in the University of Oregon. Editor of the Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society and of the Commonwealth Review of the University of Oregon. Author of Financial His- tory of Oregon; etc.

F. H. Br. FRANK HERBERT BROWN, C.I.E. On the Staff of The- Times for Indian Affairs. London Correspondent of The Times of India. Formerly Assistant-editor of the Bombay Gazette and Editor of the Indian Daily Telegraph, Lucknow.

F. H. H.* FRANK HEYWOOD HODDER, Pn.M. Professor of American History in the University of Kansas.

F. I. M. LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR IVOR MAXSE, K.C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O. Late Inspector-General of Training to the British Armies in France, 1918-9. Fractures. Frontiers, Battles of the (in part); Guise, Battle of; Marne, Battle of the. Oregon. Gokhale, G. K. ; Hyderabad, Nizam of; Mehta,SirP.M. ! Kansas. Infantry.

F. L. P. Frederic L. Paxson Professor of History in the University of Wisconsin. Sometime Major, U.S. M " mtlons of Wa *: United Conprsl st*ff States. General Staff.

F. M. F. MAYENCE. Professor at the University of Louvain.

F. M. R. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL F. M. RICKARD. Royal Artillery. Chief Instructor, Artillery College, Woolwich (assisted by Instructional Staff, Artillery College).

F. R. C. FRANK RICHARDSON CANA. F.R.G.S. Editorial Staff, nth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Editorial Staff of The Times. Author of South Africa from the Great Trek to the Union ; Problems of Exploration; Africa; The Sahara in 1915; The Great War in Europe; etc. Mercier, Cardinal. Magazines and Shell Stores; Ordnance (in part). Eritrea; Gambia; German East Africa; German South- West Africa ; Kenya Colony ; Liberia; Mauritius; Merri- man, J. X.; Natal; Nyasa- land; Orange Free State.

F.T. FREDERIC THEVENET. I General of Division, French Army. Formerly Governor of Belfort. Commanded Fr ntiers . Battles of the Belfort region in the World War. Author of La Place de Belfort. ( ^ n P a ">-

F.Y. ALEXANDER BELL FILSON YOUNG. f Editor, of the Saturday Review. Author of With the Battle Cruisers; Master- J Fisher, Lord; singers; Ireland at the Cross Roads; Christopher Columbus and the New World; 1 Jellicoe, Lord. The Sands of Pleasure; When the. Tide Turns; etc.

G.A. GEORGE JEFFREYS ADAM. Formerly Correspondent of The Times in Paris.

G. Ab. GRACE ABBOTT, M.A. Chief of the Children's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor. Formerly Director Child Labor Division, U.S. Children's Bureau, and Executive Secretary, Illinois Immigrants Commission, Chicago.

G. A. Bu. GEORGE ARTHUR BURLS, M.lNST.C.E., M.INST.AUTO.ENG. ( Author, and Joint-author with Sir Dugald Clerk, of works on internal combustion < Internal Combustion Engines. engines. / France (in part) ;

French Equatorial Africa. 

Juvenile Employment: United States.

O. A. J. C. GRENVILLE ARTHUR JAMES COLE, F.R.S., F.G.S. Professor of Geology in the Royal College of Sciencefor Ireland. Author of Aids in Practical Geology; Open- Air Studies in Geology; etc. Geology: Structural Stratigraphical. and