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Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States

  1.   92 U.S. 542 (1876). See generally LeeAnna Keith, The Colfax Massacre: The Untold Story of Black Power, White Terror, and the Death of Reconstruction (2008).
  2.   92 U.S. 542.
  3.   John Hope Franklin, The Enforcement of the Civil Rights Act of 1875, 6 Prologue 225, 234 (1974).
  4.   See William Gillette, Retreat From Reconstruction, 1869–1879, at 273–74 (1982).
  5.   Ch. 114, 18 Stat. 335.
  6.   109 U.S. 3 (1883).
  7.   Laura F. Edwards, A Legal History of the Civil War and Reconstruction 164 (2015).
  8.   Id.
  9.   Frankfurter & Landis, supra note 86, at 86.
  10.   Act of April 10, 1869, ch. 22, 16 Stat. 44.
  11.   Frankfurter & Landis, supra note 86, at 60.
  12.   Wheeler & Harrison, supra note 19, at 16.
  13.   Crowe, supra note 38, at 174.
  14.   Frankfurter & Landis, supra note 86 at 60, 102.
  15.   See Id. at 82–83; Wheeler & Harrison, supra note 19, at 16.
  16.   Act of March 3, 1891, ch. 517, 26 Stat. 826.
  17.   Fallon, Manning, Meltzer & Shapiro, supra note 9, at 29.
  18.   Wheeler & Harrison, supra note 19, at 18.
  19.   See Id.; Fallon, Manning, Meltzer & Shapiro, supra note 9, at 30 & n.67.
  20.   Frankfurter & Landis, supra note 86, at 102.
  21.   Id. at 101.
  22.   See Eric Foner Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863–1877, at 517, 522 (1988); Howard Gillman, How Political Parties Can Use the Courts to Advance Their Agendas: Federal Courts in the United States, 1875–1891, 96 Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. 511, 512 (2002).
  23.   See generally Edward A. Purcell, Jr., Litigation and Inequality: Federal Diversity Jurisdiction in Industrial America, 1870–1958 (1992).
  24.   Gillman, supra note 109, at 512.
  25.   See generally William G. Ross, A Muted Fury: Populists, Progressives, and Labor Unions Confront the Courts, 1890–1937 (1994).
  26.   156 U.S. 1 (1895). The case was also known as the “Sugar Trust Case.”
  27.   157 U.S. 429 (1895).
  28.   158 U.S. 564 (1895).
  29.   198 U.S. 45 (1905) (invalidating a New York statute regulating bakers’ working hours on the ground that the statute violated the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment).
  30.   See Roosevelt in 1912 The Cry in Denver, N.Y. Times, Aug. 30, 1910, at 1.
  31.   Theodore Roosevelt, Judges and Progress, Outlook, Jan. 6, 1912 at 40, 44.
  32.   See Ross, supra note 112, at 130–54.
  33.   Theodore Roosevelt, A Charter of Democracy: Address Before the Ohio Constitutional Convention (Feb. 21, 1912).
  34.   Ross, supra note 112, at 144.
64 | December 2021