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investment in transitioning to cleaner locomotives is now.”

Additionally, EPA plans to propose revisions to existing locomotive preemption regulations to ensure they don’t inappropriately limit California’s and other states’ authorities under the Clean Air Act to address their air quality issues.

Further, EPA has formed a rail study team to evaluate how best to address air pollutant emissions from the locomotive sector.

In the coming months, this team will collect information and evaluate the following:

  • a range of technologies that may be available to further reduce locomotive emissions;
  • policy options to accelerate locomotive fleet turnover to newer, cleaner technology;
  • policy options to ensure that remanufactured locomotives are as clean as possible;
  • engagement with partners, such as state, non­governmental organizations, environmental justice organizations, and industry stakeholders, to gather input as needed to inform the required evaluations.

Additionally, the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides an enormous opportunity in the locomotive space. This funding accelerates the transition to a zero emissions future by providing funding opportunities in so many subsectors of transportation. EPA will explore opportunities to leverage these historic resources moving forward.

Diesel emissions contribute to concentrations of ozone and PM2.5 and their resulting health effects, which include premature death, respiratory illness (including childhood asthma), and cardiovascular problems. Diesel emission reductions from locomotives would improve health and air quality for communities across the country, including those already overburdened by pollution from freight transportation.

Learn more and view EPA’s official petition response.