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Minister, and to the head of the Peasants' Union. The meeting, opened by the chairman of the National Government, cheered the speech of Kou Yu-Han, editor of the Min Kuo Jih Pao, denouncing Chiang Kai Shek and demanding his removal and trial before the party. All assembled soldiers and leaders of people's organization joined in the slogan: "Down with Chiang Kai Shek."


Since writing the above, I attended the celebration of the establishment of the new National Government, the new Hupeh Government, and welcome to Wang Ching-wei, leader of the Kuomintang, exiled last year by Chiang Kai Shek and now returned on the request of the Central Committee. Here also, the slogan was: "Down with Chiang Kai Shek."

Yesterday (April 10) was published a joint statement by Wang Ching-wei and Chen Tu-shiu, secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, issued at Shanghai on April 5, of which the following are extracts:

"The Communist Party of China always has recognized frankly and honestly that the Kuomintang and the Three People's Principles laid down by our late leader, Sun Yat-sen, are the foundation of the Nationalist movement. It is only counter-revolutionaries who seek to overthrow the San Min principles of the Kuomintang, and it is only counter-revolutionaries who seek to split the Nationalist front . . . .

"It is true that the Communist Party and the Kuomintang have different programmes, but the essential points for the members of both parties is that they be guided by the spirit of earnest co-operation in their struggle for a free united China. Those who understand the Communist Party conception of the revolution and the Communist Party attitude toward the Kuomintang, will certainly not doubt the wisdom of Sun Yat-sen in saying that the two parties should co-operate."


A few days after the above review was written, Chiang Kai Shek openly broke with the Wuhan government, massacred the workers of Shanghai, Nanking, Can-