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It was decided that Lord Canning should take over charge on March ist, and his journey to India was so timed as to allow of a short stay in Egypt, and of visits, en route, to Bombay, Ceylon, and Madras, where his old school-fellow. Lord Harris, now reigned as Governor. On November 4th, 1855, Lord and Lady Canning sailed from Marseilles; they landed at Alexandria on the 12th, and had their first taste of Eastern hospitality in the somewhat over-splendid arrangements made by the Pacha's order at Cairo for their reception. Some weeks were devoted to the sights of Egypt and a journey up the Nile. On January 26th, 1856, Lord Canning landed at Bombay, and the full tide of official ceremony began to flow. Lord Dalhousie had decreed that his successor should be royally welcomed; but, amid the pomps and festivities of a State reception, the new Governor-General gave early proof of the indefatigable industry which never flagged throughout his whole career, 'I have been unceasingly busy,' he wrote to Mr. Elliot Macnaghten, 'for two-thirds out of every twenty-four hours since our arrival: and by the 5th or 6th I hope to have seen nearly all that calls for ocular inspection in this city and its neighbourhood.'

Landing at Madras, the party spent a few days at Guindee Park, the Governor's country residence, and Lord Canning had an opportunity of renewing the memories of old school days in the society of Lord Harris. On the last day of February, he