Page:Early Christianity in Arabia.djvu/103

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he said in his letter to the nadjash, "I and Aryat were both thy servants. He merited his death by his tyranny and injustice. Empty the earth out of the sacks and tread it beneath thy feet; it is the land of Hamyar; stain thy hands in my blood, which is contained in the bottle; and drag with thy hand the hair which I have myself cut from my forehead. Thus having fulfilled thy oath, turn away from me thine anger; for I am still one of thy servants, and am but an offending tributary amongst thy tributaries."[1] The nadjash was appeased, and Abrahah was confirmed in the kingdom of Hamyar, after having promised faithfully to continue for ever his tribute to the crown of Abyssinia.[2]

  1. Nuweir, p. 34. Tabeir, p. 110. Mesoud, p. 142.
  2. The outlines of the history of this event are given by Procopius, de Bel. Pers. c. 20. The details by the Arabian writers just cited.