Page:Early Christianity outside the Roman empire.djvu/43

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I and My Father are one (§5). The Messiah is spoken of by the prophets as a Stone or Rock (§§6—9), and as a Light (§§10, 11). He is the only foundation that can stand the fire (§12, 13). Such Faith the Saints of old time had (§14—16), and those also who were benefited by our Lord on earth (§17). Faith carries us up to heaven, saves us from the Deluge, looses the prisoners, quenches the fire, feeds the hungry, brings back from the grave, stops the mouths of lions, humbles the proud, and exalts the meek (§18).

Perhaps you may find this vague and rhetorical. But Aphraates does not leave us here. After the praise of Faith he goes on to tell us exactly in what it consists, and this Creed of his is so remarkable a document that I give it in full.

"For this," he says (§19), "is Faith:—

When a man shall believe in God, the Lord of all,
That made the heaven and the earth and the seas and all that in them is.
Who made Adam in His image,
Who gave the Law to Moses,
Who sent of His Spirit in the Prophets,
Who sent moreover His Messiah into the world.