Page:Early History of Medicine in Philadelphia - George W Norris.djvu/10

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"Homines enim ad deos nulla re propius accedunt quam salutem hominibus dando."

Cicero—Oratio pro Q. Ligario, Caput xii.

"There Physic fills the space, and far around,
Pile above pile, her learned works abound:
Glorious their aim—to ease the labouring heart;
To war with death, and stop the dying dart;
To trace the source whence the fierce contest grew,
And life's short lease on easier terms renew;
To calm the phrensy of the burning brain;
To heal the tortures of imploring pain;
Or, when more powerful ills all efforts brave,
To ease the victim no device can save,
And smooth the stormy passage to the grave."

Crabbe—The library.
