Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/126

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strata of Europe. The wolf and tlie fox range throughout Europe, Asia, and North America, as far north as the Arctic Sea.

Incoming Species now Living in the Temperate Zone = 33.

  1. Great bat
  1. Great horse-shoe Bat
  1. Mole
  1. Musk shrew
  1. Common shrew
  1. Mouse
  1. Beaver
  1. Hare
  1. Pika
  1. Pouched marmot
  1. Water vole
  1. Red field vole
  1. Short-tailed field vole
  1. Continental field vole
  1. Lynx
  1. Wild cat
  1. Wolf
  1. Fox
  1. Marten
  1. Ermine
  1. Stoat
  1. Otter
  1. Brown bear
  1. Grisly bear
  1. Badger
  1. Horse
  1. Bison
  1. Urus
  1. Saiga antelope
  1. Stag
  1. Roe
  1. Fallow deer
  1. Wild boar

  1. Vespertilio noctula, Desm.
  1. Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum Bell.
  1. Talpa Europæa, L.
  1. Mygale moschata, Fischer.
  1. Sorex vulgaris, L.
  1. Mus musculus, L.
  1. Castor fiber, L.
  1. Lepus timidus, L.
  1. Lagomys pusillus, Pall. (=L. spelæus, Ow.)
  1. Spermophilus citillus, Pall.
  1. Arvicola amphihius, L.
  1. A. glareolus, Schreb.
  1. A. agrestis, L.
  1. A. arvalis, Pall.
  1. Felis lynx, Tem.
  1. F. catus ferus, L.
  1. Canis lupus, L.
  1. C. vulpes, L.
  1. Mustela martes, L.
  1. M. erminea, L.
  1. M. putorius, L.
  1. Lutra vulgaris, Erxl.
  1. Ursus arctos, L.
  1. U. ferox, Lew and Clark.
  1. Meles taxus, L.
  1. Equus caballus, L.
  1. Bison Europæus, Gm.
  1. Bos (Urus) primigenius, Boj.
  1. Antilope saiga, Pall.
  1. Cervus elaphus, L.
  1. C. capreolus, L.
  1. C. dama, L., var. C. Browni, Dawk.
  1. Sus scrofa ferus, L.

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