Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/206

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The Three Pleistocene Strata.

Fig. 41.—Strata in Robin Hood Cave.

+ Stalactite uniting roof to breccia.
  1. a. Stalagmitic breccia with bones and implements
0 to 36 inches.
  1. b. Cave-earth with bones and implements
21 to 52
  1. c. Red clayey sand
24 to 48
  1. d. Light-coloured sand with limestone blocks, about

The floor was covered with a dark layer of earth, some five or six inches in thickness, containing fragments of Roman and mediæval pottery, and other remains of Historic age. Below this (Fig. 41, a), on the left-hand side, was a layer of breccia three feet thick, and sufficiently hard to be blasted only with extreme difficulty. In other parts of the cave it diminished in thickness, and passed into thin stalagmite. It will be observed in the section that it stands in an inverse ratio in regard of thickness to the cave-earth below, b, containing bones, which was