Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/28

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Page 10, lines 12, 16, 19, for grave accent, read acute.
17, line 15, before "con" insert "and."
22, 21, for "500," read "from 500 to 600."
39, 6, for "squirrels," read "Rodents, the Viverra, Mustela, Rhinoceros."
40, in Lower Meiocene Table insert "Viverra, Mustela, Rhinoceros."
57, line 25, for "Eocene," read " Meiocene."
84, note, for "florentinus. Cocchi, Aulaxinus," read "(Aulaximis) florentinus, Cocchi, and a second not yet named."
90, line 11, for "Pleiocene," read "Pleistocene."
95, 20, insert "?"
104, 19, dele "Falconer's elephant."
113, 28, dele "the."
128, 21, insert "?"
128, to "New Comers" add "the squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris, Lin."
138, line 5, dele "pouched."
147, to "Survivals—Living Species" add "Musk sheep," and to "Extinct Species" add "Machairodus."
213, fig. 77, for "Duruthy," read "Laugerie Basse."
239, 94, for "Haute," read "Basse."
159, line 259, line 11, dele "and Ireland."
The abundance of apples mentioned by Pytheas in Thule proves that Thule was not either Iceland, the Faröes, the Hebrides, or the Orkneys, but, as Nilsson remarks, the south of the Scandinavian Peninsula.