Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/436

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the percentage of tin in the bronze articles belonging to the Bronze age is as nearly as possible that which is the best for making a compound for cutting purposes, from ten to twelve per cent. It will be seen from the following table that there is but little variation in the proportions of tin, and not more than might be expected from the rough and inaccurate modes of mixing the metals before the invention of a definite system of weights.

Analysis of British Bronze Articles of Bronze Age.[1]

Name. Locality.
  1. Lituus (Wilson)
  1. Lincolnshire
88⋅ 12⋅
  1. Simple Wedge Celt (Wilson)
  1. Ireland
94⋅ 5⋅09 0⋅01
  1. Palstave (Wilson)
  1. Cumberland
91⋅11 9⋅
  1. Palstave (Wilson)
  1. Fifeshire
81⋅19 18⋅31 0⋅75
  1. Palstave
  1. Fifeshire
89⋅33 9⋅19 0⋅33 0⋅24
  1. Socketed Celt (Phillips)
  1. Ireland
90⋅68 7⋅43 1⋅28 tr.
  1. Spear-head? Dagger (Phillips)
  1. Ireland
99⋅71 0⋅28
  1. Dagger (Wilson)
  1. Ireland
90⋅72 8⋅25 0⋅87
  1. Sword-handle (Wilson)
  1. Ireland
87⋅07 8⋅52 3⋅37
  1. Sword (Wilson)
  1. Ireland
87⋅94 11⋅35 0⋅28
  1. Spear-head (Wilson)
  1. Ireland
84⋅69 14⋅01
  1. Spear-head (Wilson)
  1. Ireland
86⋅28 12⋅74 0⋅07 0⋅31
  1. Scabbard (Wilson)
  1. Lincolnshire
90⋅ 10⋅
  1. Sword (Wilson)
  1. Ireland
83⋅50 5⋅15 8⋅35
  1. Sword (Wilson)
  1. Ireland
88⋅63 8⋅54 2⋅83
  1. Sword (Phillips)
91⋅79 8⋅17 tr. tr.
  1. Sword (Phillips)
  1. Ireland
85⋅62 10⋅02 0⋅44
  1. Sword (Wilson)
  1. Thames
89⋅69 9⋅50 0⋅33
  1. Sword (Wilson)
  1. Duddingstone
88⋅51 9⋅30 2⋅30
  1. Wilson, Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, i. p. 374; Second Edition. Phillips, Journ. Chemical Soc., iv. p. 288.