Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/542

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Ungulata Artiodactyla Ruminantia.

Bos etruscus, Falc.
Cervus ctenoides, Nesti (MSS.)
C. perrieri, Cr. et Job.

Cervus dicranios, Nesti.
Cervus etueriarum, Cr. et Job.


Canis etruscus, Major.
Ursus etruscus, Cuv.
Hyæna perrieri, Cr. et Job.

Canis Falconeri, Major.
Machairodus (3 sp.)


Castor plicidens, Major. Hystrix.
rosiniæ, Major. Lepus.

Primates, Simiadæ.

Macacus (Aulaxinus), Cocchi.

Macacus, Sp.

The megarhine Rhinoceros has been determined by Dr. Falconer, the Cervus etueriarum and C. perrieri by myself, the former in the Geological Museum of the University of Bologna, and in the Castello Valentino in Turin, and the latter in the Museum of the University of Florence. In the last museum there are specimens of Machairodus latidens, Ow., and M. cultridens of Kaup.