Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/553

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plements (note), 162; implements in Somme Valley, 164; in Spain, Italy, and Greece, 164; Africa, 165; Palestine, 166; India, 166; implements found at Grenelle, 168; implements, Wookey Hole, near Wells (figs.), 193; implement manufactory at Cissbury, 278; mines, Neolithic, near Brandon, 276; river-drift implement, Gray's Inn Lane (fig.), 157; found at various places (note), 160; scraper, Robin Hood Cave (fig.), 182; splinters, found in Meiocene strata, put forward as evidence of existence of man, 68.

Floras, Secondary and Tertiary, 9; mid Eocene, 28; of American continent in Meiocene age identical with that of Europe, 43; of Bovey Tracey, 48; identified with lower Meiocenes of France and Switzerland, 49; of the Hebrides and Ireland, 49; Meiocene, on the Continent, 49; the Pleiocene, 77, 78; floras of the Polar regions (note), 22. See Forests.

Flower, on the implements of the Somme Valley, 164.

Food of Neolithic man, 273, 274.

Forbes, Edward, on geographical continuity in Pleiocene age, 74.

Forests in early Pleistocene age in Britain, 125; (mid Eocene) of Bournemouth, 29; bed, fauna of, 128; bed, physical relations of, 129; bed, physical relations of (fig.), 130; early Pleistocene, in France, 131 submerged in the Prehistoric period, 248; submerged. Sir H. de la Beche and Godwin-Austen on, 248; of Neolithic age, 304.

Fossil and living forms, percentage of, in the Tertiary strata, 10, 11.

Fowling, 218.

Fox (Canus vulpes), 98; arctic (Canis lagopus), 99; arctic, 100, 257, 262; implements found in Acton gravel, 158.

Fox, Lane, on flint mines of Cissbury, 278; on camps of Neolithic tribes, 283; on existence of a Copper age in Europe (note), 398.

Fraas, on the ape species Colobus, 58; on Cave-men of Germany, 204.

France, Cave-men found in, 204; opossums in, 33; birds around the upper Eocene lake of Paris, 33; upper Eocene forests of, inhabited by Primates, 34; table of Meiocene classification of, 39; inhabited by man in middle of Meiocene age, 67; lower Pleiocene mammalia of, 79; upper Pleiocene mammalia of, 80; River- drift man in, 164; caves of, River- drift men preceded Cave-men in, 198; in the Bronze age, 379; in the late Bronze age, 381; origin of present inhabitants, according to Dr. Broca, 325; physical characters of the people, 326; cremation and inhumation practised in Bronze age, 381; tin mines in Bronze age, 403.

Franks, on red amber, 418; on designs of the prehistoric Iron age, 438.

Freeman, E. A., on race and language, 323.

French bronze articles of Bronze age, analysis of, 408; mid Eocene mammalia, 30.

Fruit of lower Eocene period, 26; of the Neolithic age—apple, 293; raspberry, strawberrv, blackberry, sloe, 294.

Fruits cultivated by Neolithic inhabitants, 300.

Future state, belief in, by Neolithic tribes, 287.


Gallus æsculapii (fowl), 61.

Gardner, Starkie, on the dispersion of the Tertiary floras, 20; on the tropical vegetation of the lower Eocene period, 26; on the temperature of Britain in the mid Eocene age, 35; on the Hempstead beds (note), 41.

Gastaldi, on the Glacial period of Meiocene age, 65; on height of Alps in Pleistocene and Pleiocene age, 120.

Gaudin, on the Pleiocene forests of Italy, 77.

Gaudry, on classification of Eocene strata, 16; on the Necrolemur (note), 34; on the Eocene mammalia of France (note), 27; on the Meiocene classification in France and Germany, 39; on the flint flakes of the Meiocene age at Thenay, 68.

Gaul and Spain, Celtic invasion of, in the Neolithic age, 315.

Gazelle (gazella), 40.

Geese, 59, 303.

Geikie, James, 115, 117; on climate of Britain, when forests now submerged were living, 255; Palæolithic river-strata are interglacial, 171.

Genera (living) in Meiocenes of Europe, 40.