Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/555

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Heer, the lower Eocene vegetation, 25; on mid Eocene flora in Lombardy, 30; on the Meiocene classification in Switzerland, 39; on the Meiocene plants age, 42, 43; on the Meiocene Atlantis, 43, 44; on flora of Bovey Tracey, 47, 49; on Meiocene flora of the Continent, 49; on the insects of Meiocene Switzerland, 61; on geographical changes in the Meiocene age (note), 62; on the climate in the Meiocene age, 63, 66; on the forest-bed vegetation, 125; on the lignites of Dürnten (note), 145; on the cereals of Neolithic age, 301.

Helix labyrinthica (snail), 22.

Herodotus, on pile-dwellings of Lake Prasias, 292 ; on quantity of gold in northern Europe, 429.

Hesiod, on the use of iron, 425.

Hicks, on submergence at St. Bride's Bay, 252.

Highlander, small dark, Iberian characteristics of, 330.

Hippopotamus, 83, 81; (H. Pentlandi), 104, 109, 205; African, 126; palæindicus, Hexaprotodon, 166; present with man in cave of Pont Newydd, 192.

Historic period belongs to the Tertiary period, 262; characteristics of, 10.

History, the overlap of, 446.

Hoards of bronze merchandise, 383; of bronze-smith, 384.

Holmberg on sculptures on rocks of Sweden, 393.

Hog (sus), 40, 80; Strozzi, 83, 262.

Hollies, 51.

Homestead, the Neolithic, 271.

Hooker, Sir Joseph, on the dispersion of the Tertiary floras, 20.

Hordeum hexastichum densum (compact six-rowed barley), sanctum (small), 301.

Horn worts, 125.

Horns, probable origin of, 87.

Horses incised on antler, La Madelaine (fig.), 220; on rib in Cresswell cave, 220; in Kesslerloch cave, 220; (Equus Stenonis), 83; (Equus caballus, 98; upper cave-earth, Robin Hood Cave (fig.), 185, 257, 262.

Howorth, on supply of tin, 404.

Human remains in Duruthy cave, 226; skeletons in river-deposits, 167; skeletons, age of, in various caves, 242; skull found at Olmo, supposed to be of the Pleiocene period, 91.

Hunting of the Urus, Duruthy cave (fig.), 213; of bisons and horses. La Madelaine (fig.), 214; of reindeer, 215; by Cave-men, 212; scene, Eskimo (fig.), 239.

"Hut circles," of the Neolithic age, 266; in use at time of Roman occupation, 267.

Huxley, on Anchitheres, 31; on physique of Neolithic population, 310; classification of human skulls, 310; ethnology of Britain (note), 330.

Hyæna (Hyæna), 40; crocata (spotted hyæna), 103, 111; striata (striped), 103, 111; perrieri, arvernensis, 83.

Hystrix (porcupine), 40; dorsata (porcupine), 102.


Iberians, their relation to Ligurians and Etruskans, 322; element still in Spain, 323; in France, 324; in British Isles, 330; identification of Neolithic aborigines with, 314; and Celts in Europe in Historic period (map), 318; races in Spain and Gaul, historic evidence of, 317; in retreat, 320; the older, 321; peoples in Britain, historic evidence of, 321.

Ibex (Capra ibex), 101.

Icebergs, see also Glacial period; evidence of Pleiocence, in North Sea, 75.

Implements, flint, etc., Robin Hood Cave, 180-185; Church Hole Cave, 184, 185; oval, cave-earth, Kent's Hole (fig.), 195; of Wookey Hole, 193; of Kent's Hole, 194, 195, 196; Brixham, 197; making by Cave-men, 210; in Duruthy cave, 227; of Eskimos, 236, 237; from Veyrier (fig.), 238; from Laugerie-Haute (fig.), 230; flint, manufactory at Cissbury, 278; for various purposes in the Bronze age, 386; the earliest bronze in Europe, 413. See Flint implements, Palæolithic implements; Neolithic; Bronze.

Incense cup, Bulford, Wilts (fig.), 361.

Inchauspé, Abbé, on derivations of Basque names for cutting tools, 324.

India, River-drift man in, 165.

Interments, none proved to be of Palæolithic age, 229.

Interval between the Pleistocene and Prehistoric periods, 263.

Ireland, log-houses, in Neolithic age, 269; lake-dwellings in, 353.

Irish elks; see Elks.