Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/559

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Palaeæolithic age proposed by, 199-202; on the Cassiterides of the ancients, 404.

Mountains in the Eocene age, 23; Pennine range, 24; of Somerset, Devon, Ireland, Scotland, 24; Meiocene age, 44; of Pleiocene age, 74.

Mouse (Mus musculus), 98.

Moustérien, epoch of the Palæolithic age, 199.

Mudge on Irish log houses (note), 269.

Mull, base of the volcano of, 45.

Muntjak, the nearest living analogue of the Meiocene deer, 89.

Mus musculus (mouse), 98.

Musk sheep skull discovered by author at Crayford, 99, 100, 136; musk shrew, 96.

Mussel (Unio pictorum), 149.

Mussels, 303.

Mustela (genera of beasts of prey), 40, 54.

Mustela martes (marten), 98; erminea (ermine), 98; putorius (stoat), 98.

Mygale moschata (musk shrew), 98.

Myodes torquatus (Norwegian lemming), 99; lemmus (arctic lemming), 99.

Myogale (water-shrew), 40.

Myoxus (dormouse), 40; Melitensis (gigantic dormouse), 104.


Nathorst on flora of Norfolk cliffs, 130.

Navigation, Neolithic, 281.

Necklace, amber, Lake, Wilts (fig.), 357.

Necrolemur (of the Primates order), 34.

Needle, bone (fig), 185; La Madelaine (fig.), 200.

Neolithic, Cro-Magnon race supposed to be, 229; pottery, 229; survivals from age, 385; general conclusions, 340; Britain (fig.), 254; civilisation, 246; culture, traces of, in Basque dialects, 334; inhabitants of Britain and Ireland, 265; hut circles, 266; knowledge of spinning by, 267, 275; pottery, 267, 275; as farmers, 268; hunters and fishermen, 268; Irish, log-houses, 269; homestead, 271; axe, Rhos-Digre cave (fig.), 273; food of farmers, 273; flint mines near Brandon, 276; manufactory and camp at Cissbury, 279; commerce, 280; navigation, 281; warfare and camps, 282; tribal communities, 283; burial of the dead, 284; tombs, 284; human sacrifices, 287; belief in a future state, 287; general conclusions as to culture in Britain, 290; civilisation on the Continent, 290; food, 293, 294; domestic animals, 295; dog, 295; hog, 255; oxen, sheep, and goats, 297; animals probably derived from central Asia, 300; cultivated seeds and fruits, 300; shell-mounds of Denmark, 302; birds, 303; forest-growths, 304; mammalia, 304; art, 305; civilisation derived from central Asia, 306; general conclusions, 307; inhabitants of Britain of Iberian race, 309; skulls, 312; population in Britain and Ireland, their physique, 309; range on the Continent, 313; identification with Iberian race, 314; Celtic invaders of France and Spain in Neolithic age, 315.

Nesti, Cervus dicranios of, 84.

Nero obtains amber from the Baltic, 418.

Nilsson, on oxen, 297, 298, 299 ; on sculpture on tomb at Kivik, 393.

Nordenskiold, on Eskimos in Siberia, 233.

North polar region in connection with the dispersion of the Tertiary floras, 20.

North Sea of Pleiocene age, 72, 73.

Norwich Crags, 71.

Nummulitic group of Eocene strata, 15, 16; age, one of depression, 17.

Nuts, chestnut and walnut, 293; beechnuts, 294.


Ober Meilen harbour excavation, 291.

Opossum (Didelphys), 22, 32, 33, 40, 54.

Ore, tin, mode of reducing, at Zamora, in Spain, by J. A. Phillips, 401.

Oreston, cavern at, 144.

Oreopithecus (ape), 58.

Ornaments of Bronze folk in Britain, 355; of the Bronze age, 387; of the Iron age, 428.

Osmunda regalis, ferns closely allied to, 26, 125.

Ossiferous deposit at Windy Knoll (fig.), 188.

Otter (Lutra), 40, 57, 98, 257, 262.

Ouse, section through the valley of the (fig.), 170.

Overlap of history, 446.

Ovibos moschatus (musk sheep), 99.

Owen, on turtles in London clay, at