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346 INDEX Bird wood, Rev., n Blanc, brothers, 79 Bloxham, 274 Blue Pill, virtues of, 113, 209 Bohemia, 55-9 Bond family, the, 4, 114, 118, 123, 130 Bond, Admiral Francis Godolphin, 1,24 Bond, Edward (Rev.), 93 Bond, Frederick (Rev.), 257 Bond, Juliana, 10 Bond, Thomas George, 168, 180 Books purchased, 55 Borredon, M. de, 135-6 Bourgeois spirit, the, 318-321 Bratton Clovelly, 4-14, 24, 25, 149, 161, 294 Bray, Rev. E. A., 212, 249 Brierly, Samuel, letter of. 225 Brigue, 39 Broadbury, 4-9 " Buckets," 222-3 Bude, 24, 109 Buscarlet, M., 130, 179 Burnaby family, 4 Butler's Analogy, 148 Cacolet, en, 192-3 Calmady-Hamlyn, 88, 159 Cambridge, 219-232; religion in, 227 Capitals, artificial, 28, 29 Captieux, 170-1 Catholicism and Papalism, 233 ; and Protestantism, 30,37-8, 84, 210 Cement bath, a, 248 Cestac, Abbe, 207-8 Chaplains, Continental, 34, 78, 115, J26 Children's observation limited, i5> 184 Choiseul-Praslin, Due de, 131-2 Cholera, 168-9 " Christmas Carol," 86-7 Church at Lew Trenchard, viii, 145 Churching custom, 147 Clare Hall, 222 Clergy, French, 182-3 Cockburn, Sir Alexander, 238 Coiffure, 124 Colenso, Bp., 232 Coleridge, " Silver-tongued," 238 Cologne, 25-8, 73 Coming of age, 224 Confirmation at Thun, 33 Congestion of lungs, 40, 95 Contrasted services, 334 Convict story, 214 Convictions, religious, 30-1, 37-8, 76, 106 Cooking, French, 16, 121-3 Cork woods, 206-7 Corporal punishments, 107-8 Corpse-light, 141 Corynden family, 4 Costume, 124, 125 Couvade, the, 203-5 Cricket, the fable of, 210 Crusade of Prayer, the, 234-5 " Crying a Neck," 151-2 Danube, descent of, 49-50 Dartmoor, 212-4 Dawe, John, 238-9 Dean and Chapter Livings, 126 Dejeuner, a French, 184-5 Devonians, 5-6 Dickens, Chas., 25, 87 Digressions, xii, 62, 307 Dinners, little, 11, 22 Dirs de Mertens, Rev., 288 Discouragements, 330 Dodd, Rev., 95 Dolmen, a, 180 Doppelganger, a, 246 Drawing a line, 291-2 Dresden, 59-62 Drenching spoon, a, 306-7 Drill sergeant, a, 193