Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 2).djvu/135

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J. Long's Voyages and Travels

continued singing till he was sober; when getting up, he came to me and said, "Beaver, I have seen the bad spirit in my dream, who told me that the trader had robbed me." Irritated at the expression, I told him his lips never spoke truth, and that he had no sense; and thinking it right to suppress this humour, beat him very severely. When he had recovered his reason, he said to me, "Beaver, you have sense, though you have spotted my carcase." I then remonstrated with him on the great {92} folly of being jealous; but he was sullen, and made no reply. He then called his wife, but she being asleep did not hear him; he called a second time, and asked for his gun, tomahawk, and scalping knife; but not receiving any answer, he was very angry, and said to me, "Beaver, I will throw away my body;" to which I did not think it prudent to make any reply. He then laid himself down on the ground, and called his wife a third time. She came to him, and observing displeasure in his countenance, told him not to be angry with the Beaver, for he was a great warrior, and always opened his heart to them. He ordered her to bring him a bark bowl full of water, and set it down carefully between the Beaver's legs. Whilst she was gone for the water, he said to me, "Come here, Beaver, and I will shew you that I have nothing sweet on my lips, but will speak the truth." The wife returned and placed the bowl of water as her husband directed; when it had stood some time he said, "Beaver, put your finger in the water, and let it remain till I tell you to take it out." I obeyed him with the utmost cheerfulness, and in a few minutes, by his desire, withdrew it. He then said, "Beaver, you know that a husband is so called because he is the master of weakness, and for that reason he should protect his wife; and at the same time, you, as a trader,