Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 2).djvu/265

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{218} Parts of the Human Body

English Chippeway

Ankle Warwích
Arm Aník
Arm, broken Késconeek
Back Oníckquick
Beard Opeewyésky
Belly Is'quamach
Blood Misqúy
Body Yoe
Bones Oakcan
Bowels Onúggesh
Brain Opin
Breath Nowwetting, or nowwettywich
Breech Peckqueen dorsow
Breast Wheyóe
Cheeks Warbím
Chin Utchwar
Eye Wiskínky
Eye that squints Annooch
Ear Nóndawar
Eyelid Péwyar
Eyebrow Gwátso
Face Meechaw
Fundament Meedséywort
Fingers Argátso
Foot, or feet Ozett
Gall Marchéw
Hand Armóche
Heart Oathty
Hair Lissy