Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 2).djvu/326

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How many fathom long will you make your canoe?
Perhaps three fathom.
There are many rapids at the Red Lake;
Are they hard rapids?
Here and there.
How long are you going up them?
Fifteen days.
That is long.
Bring me some tobacco;
Here is some for you.
This is English;
Yes, it is.
Sit down.
I want to smoke a pipe.
I am tired.
I will lie down.
I will get up.
I want to eat.
I want to drink.
We will make fire and cook our kettle;
It is ready;
Let us eat;
It is very good.
I will go.
Are you going, friend?
Yes, but I shall return soon.
Have you any good guns?
Let us see them?
This is broke.
Here is another;