Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 3).djvu/58

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The 23rd of April passed by Flat rock, by Hanging rock Creek and slept at Cane Creek, Lancaster county, in the house of a Mr May; my horse strayed away during the night and following his traces it was found that he had passed by Mr Lee's.

The 24th I was obliged to look for him all day. Mr Lee also sent his son and his negro to search for him. He procured me a Horse to go on my quest and afterward invited me to lodge with him; he overwhelmed me with civilities.[80]

The 25th, the horse came to Mr Lee's house of his accord. Plants on the creek: Dodecatheon Meadia, Asarum Canadense, Claytonia Virginica, Erythronium dens-leonis.

Sunday 26th of April, started from Cane Creek, passed by Land'sford on the Catawba river. But the real road is from Cane Creek, ask for Colonel Crawford's house or Plantation on the Waxsaw, then pass MacClean Hands ferry on the Catawba; Thence straight to the Iron works called Hill's Iron Works operated by Colonel Hill.[81]

Thus from Cane Creek to Waxsaw . . . Miles; From Waxsaw to Iron Works, York county . . .

The 27th passed Iron Works about 32 miles from Cane Creek.