Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 3).djvu/90

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From St Louis to Kaskaskias 94
From Kaskaskias to the place where the Ohio
  falls into the Mississipi 95 Miles
From there to fort Massac 45 Miles
From there to the mouth of the Cumberland
  river 18 Miles
From there to Clark's ville on the red river 120 Miles
From there to Nashville 60 Miles
        Total 432 Miles 432

(Prices at Nashville): Dinner 2 shillings, Breakfast or supper 1 shilling 4 pence; 1/2 Quart of Whiskey 1 shilling. Hay and maize for Horse 2 shillings. The whole is six Shillings for one Dollar.)

The 20th, 21st, and 22nd remained at Nashville.

The 23rd started from Nashville and journeyed 29-3/4 Miles; lodged with Major Sharp.

Sunday the 24th of January 1796 arrived at a Creek at a distance of 29 Miles near which one Chapman keeps lodgings at 3-1/2 Miles; MacFaddin on Big Brown [Barren] keeps a ferry and lodgings. Total 32-1/2 Miles.

The 25th Rain and Snow.

The 26th Started for Green river. The ground was covered with snow, the Roads rough and my horse fell lame. I was obliged to walk. I made 12 miles. I was unable to light a fire because the trees and wood were all frosted. I spent the night nearly frozen. About 2 o'clock the Moon rose and I resolved to return to MacFaddin's where I arrived at 10 o'clock in the morning.

The 27th being overcome by cold and weariness, having traveled afoot, having eaten nothing since the morning