Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (Vol 1 1904).djvu/173

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A List of the different Nations and Tribes of Indians in the Northern District of North America, with the number of their fighting Men.

Names of the Tribes. Nos. Their Dwelling Ground. Their Hunting Grounds.
Mohocks, a 160 Mohock River. Between that and Lake George.
Oneidas, b 300 East side of Oneida Lake, & on the head waters of the east branch of Susquehannah. In the country where they live.
Tuscaroras, b 200 Between the Oneidas and Onandagoes. Between Oneida Lake & Lake Ontario.
Onandagoes, b 260 Near the Onandaga Lake. Between Onandago L. & mouth of Seneca River, near Oswego.
Cayugas, b 200 In two small Lakes, called the Cayugas, on the north branch of Susquehannah. Where they reside.
Senecas, b 1,000 Seneca Country, on the waters of Susquehannah the waters of Lake Ontario, and on the heads of Ohio River. Their chief hunting country thereabouts.
Aughquagas, c 150 East branch of Susquehannah River, and on Aughquaga. Where they live.
Nanticokes, c 100 Utsanango, Chagmett, Oswego, and on the east branch of Susquehannah.
Mohickons, c 100 Do.
Conoys, c 30
Monsays, c 100 At Diahogo, and other villages up the north branch of Susquehannah.
Sapoones, c 100 Do.
Delawares, c 30

aThese are the oldest Tribe of the Confederacy of the Six Nations.
bConnected with New York, part of the Confederacy with New York.
cConnected with, and depending on the Five Nations.