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Early Western Travels
[Vol. i

Then Isaac began to speak and said, "I am ashamed to hear such talking from you; you are but boys like me; you should not talk of such a thing. There have been thirteen nations at Easton, where they have established a firm peace with the English; and I have heard that the Five Nations were always called the wisest; go tell them that they are fools, and cannot see; and tell them that you are kings, and wise men. Go and tell the Cayuga chiefs so, that are here; and you will become great men." Afterwards they were all still, and said not one word more.

20th.—There came a great many more together in the town, and brought Henry Osten, the sergeant, who was to have been burnt. They hallooed the war halloo; and the men and women beat him till he came into the house.[1] It is a grievous and melancholy sight to see our fellow mortals so abused. Isaac Still had a long discourse with the French captain; who made himself great, by telling how he had fought the English at Loyal-Hanning. Isaac rallied him, and said he had seen them scalp horses, and take others for food. The first he denied, but the second he owned. Isaac ran the captain quite down, before them all. The French captain spoke with the two Cayugas; at last the Cayugas spoke very sharp to him, so that he grew pale, and was quite silent.

These three days past was precarious time for us. We were warned not to go far from the house; because the people who came from the slaughter, having been driven back, were possessed with a murdering spirit; which led them as in a halter, in which they were catched, and with bloody vengeance were thirsty and drunk. This

  1. When a prisoner is brought to an Indian town, he runs a kind of gauntlet thro' the mob; and every one, even the children, endeavour to have a stroke at him; but as soon as he can get into any of their huts, he is under protection, and refreshments are adminiſtered to him.—[C. T.?]