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Eastern North Carolina Encyclopedia


With Favorable Climatic Conditions and an Unsurpassed
System of Good Roads, It is One of the State's
Leading Agricultural Counties

Wayne County is one of North Carolina's leading agricultural counties. It has an area of 554 square miles, or 354,560 acres of fertile soil, producing cotton, tobacco, corn, wheat, potatoes, vegetables and truck of every variety. Wayne County is also noted for its splendid orchards and vineyards. It is also noted for its wonderful pasture lands, making live stock and poultry raising profitable.

Wayne County produces annually 30,000 to 35,000 bales of cotton, 12,000,000 to 21,000,000 pounds of tobacco, tons of corn, hay, peas and other stock food and an abundance of other food products.

Wayne County's soil is especially adapted to the growing of potatoes, strawberries, dewberries, asparagus, onions, lettuce, cucumbers, watermelons and cantaloupes and it ships hundreds of cars of these commodities annually to the northern and western markets. Our varied soil and climatic conditions make it possible to produce and harvest one or more food products every month in the year. The season never becomes so cold that the farmers cannot bring fresh vegetables to the markets three hundred and sixty-five days of the year. Wayne County is rapidly developing the live stock, poultry and dairy industries. No section of the United States offers a better inducement to the above named industries than does Wayne County.

In addition to the above advantages Wayne County offers a system of hard surface and sand clay roads of which Goldsboro is the hub, that cannot be surpassed. We also maintain over one hundred public schools located in all sections of the county. These are in addition to the incorporated city schools.

We would like to furnish, upon request, to any inquirer a detailed descriptive book of Wayne County, including a complete government soil map, outlining the many advantages which space will not permit us to set forth here. Write the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce, Wayne County, Goldsboro, North Carolina.


Gate City of Eastern North
Carolina from Entire West

Goldsboro is the leading manufacturing city of Eastern North Carolina and is nationally known for its rapid progress in population and wealth.

Goldsboro in 1900 had a population of 4,000 with a tax valuation of $6,000,000.

In 1910 it had a population of 6,500 with a tax valuation of $10,000,000.

In 1920 it had a population of 12,000 with a tax valuation of $16,000,000.

In 1923, according to a police census, Goldsboro had a population of 14,500 people with
