Page:Economic History of Virginia Vol 1.djvu/23

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1812. Henrico County (Va.) Records for Seventeenth Century. Original volumes, Henrico Court House; certified copies, Va. State Library.

Henry, William Wirt. Address before Virginia Historical Society, Feb. 24, 1882. Va. Hist. Soc. Pubs.

Hotten, J. C. Original Lists of Emigrants to America (1600-1700). New York, 1874.

House of Commons Journal (1600-1700).

Hunter’s Hallamshire.

Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on Virginia. Randolph’s Edition.

Lancaster County (Va.) Records for Seventeenth Century. Original volumes, Lancaster Court House.

Lansdowne MSS. British Museum.

Lodge, Henry Cabot. A Short History of the English Colonies. New York, 1881.

Loederer’s Discoveries. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1879.

Loudon’s Encyclopædia of Agriculture.

Ludwell MSS. (relating to 17th Century). Va. Hist. Soc. MSS. Coll.

Macaulay. History of England. New York, 1850.

McDonald Papers. Being copies of State Papers in Public Record Office, London, relating to Virginia in Seventeenth Century. 7 vols. Va. State Library.

Maryland Archives: Proceedings of Council and Judicial and Testamentary Business. Md. Hist. Soc. Pubs.

Massachusetts Historical Collections. Mass. Hist. Soc. Pubs.

Middlesex County (England) Records. 4 vols. 18881 Edited by J. C. Jeaffreson.

Middlesex County (Va.) Records for Seventeenth Century. Original volumes, Middlesex Court House, Va.

Murphy, Charles J. Introduction of Maize into Europe. U. S. Depart. of Agriculture Pubs.

Neill, Rev. E. D. English Colonization of America. London, 1871.

———History of the Virginia Company of London (1606-24). Albany, N.Y., 1869.

———Virginia Carolorum (1625-85). Albany, 1869.

———Virginia Vetusta.

———Virginia and Virginiola.

New England Historical and Genealogical Register.

New Haven (Conn.) Colonial Records.

New York, Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of, 13 vols. Edited by Brodhead and O’Callaghan. Albany, 1856-81.

Norfolk, Lower (Va.) County Records for Seventeenth Century. Original volumes, Portsmouth, Va.

North Carolina, Colonial Records of. Edited by