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Scharf, J. F. History of Maryland. 2 vols. Baltimore, 1879.

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Smith, Adam. Works. London, 1811.

Smith, Works of Capt. John. Edited by Prof. Edward Arber. Birmingham, Eng., 1884.

Spelman, Henry. Relation of Virginia. Printed in Introduction to Works of Capt. John Smith. Edited by Prof. Edward Arber.

Spotswood, Gov. Alexander, Official Letters of. Va. Hist. Soc. Pubs.

Stanley, Henry M. In Darkest Africa. New York, 1890.

———Congo and Founding of its Free State. New York, 1885.

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Vinogradoff, Paul. Villainage in England. Oxford, 1892.

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Winsor, Justin. Narrative and Critical History of America. Boston and New York, 1888.

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