Page:Economic History of Virginia Vol 1.djvu/401

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pounds in comparison with the price put upon a two year old bull in the same county at this time.[1] The value of a horse in Lower Norfolk, in 1682, was about three pounds sterling. In 1660, a horse in Lancaster was sold as high as fifteen pounds.[2]

The proportion of these animals in the inventories of estates in York may be seen from a few references. Edward Lockey, who, in 1657, owned fifty-seven head of neat cattle, had only eleven horses. Joseph Croshaw had eleven horses to seventy-seven head of neat cattle, and Mathew Hubbard twelve horses to sixty-five head of neat cattle. In 1675, Francis Mathews, who possessed forty-five head of neat cattle, was the owner of only three horses.[3] The proportion seems to have been substantially the same in Lower Norfolk County. William Moseley, who owned sixty-three head of neat cattle, had only six horses. Thomas Willoughby possessed one hundred and seventeen head of neat cattle and seven horses. Henry Woodhouse owned two horses to one hundred and ten cows, steers, calves, and bulls. The proportion in the estate of Adam Thoroughgood was much larger; he possessed one hundred and seventeen head of neat cattle and forty-two horses.[4]

The number of horses in other parts of Virginia must, by 1669, have grown notably larger, for in that year they were referred to in an Act of Assembly as being a burden rather than an advantage to the people, owing to their depredations, and in consequence of this fact their importation was prohibited. In every instance in which this

  1. Records of York County, vol. 1664-1672, p. 12, Va. State Library.
  2. Records of Lancaster County, original vol. 1654-1702, p. 127.
  3. Records of York County, vol. 1664-1672, pp. 261, 330, 331, 401; Ibid., vol. 1671-1694, p. 130, Va. State Library.
  4. Records of Lower Norfolk County, original vol. 1666-1675, pp. 107, 126; original vol. 1686-1696, f. p. 25; original vol. 1676-1686, f. p. 224.