Page:Economic History of Virginia Vol 1.djvu/508

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one ram and thirty-one ewes; Peter Roby, twenty-seven ewes and one ram.

In Middlesex, Richard Willis possessed twenty-four sheep, Robert Dudley twenty-eight, Corbin Griffin thirty-nine, Robert Beverley fifty-seven, and Ralph Wormeley eighty-six.[1] The estate of John Carter, of Lancaster, included one hundred and ninety-two.[2] William Porteus and Adam Thoroughgood, of Norfolk County, owned forty-one and forty-nine, respectively.[3]

  1. Records of Middlesex County, original vol. 1698-1713, pp. 74, 99, 114, 136; Beverley Inventory, on file in the same county, 1687.
  2. Records of Lancaster County, original vol. 1690-1709, p. 27.
  3. Records of Lower Norfolk County, original vol. 1675-1686, f. p. 224.