Page:Economic History of Virginia Vol 2.djvu/451

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which was twenty-five tons in burden.[1] In 1695, a ship known as the Virginian was constructed by Daniel Parke, but on its first passage to England was found to be defective in its steerage.[2]

Among the principal shipwrights in Virginia in the seventeenth century were John Meredith, John and Robert Pritchard of Lancaster, Abraham Elliott, Richard Yates, and John Ealfridge of Lower Norfolk. Meredith was in possession of large tracts of land which he had acquired by purchase or by original grants.[3] The estate of John Pritchard was appraised at four hundred and eighty-two pounds sterling, exclusive of all tobacco due him. This last item amounted to 101,307 pounds.[4] Ealfridge devised a plantation to each of his two sons.[5] The estate of Richard Yates was valuable in personal and real property alike. Elliott was an owner of lands both in Virginia and England.[6]

  1. Randolph MSS., vol. III, p. 304.
  2. Records of York County, vol. 1694-1702, p. 228, Va. State Library.
  3. For one tract, 560 acres, obtained by patent, see Records of Lancaster County, original vol. 1652-1657, p. 134. A sale of 600 acres by Meredith is recorded in Ibid., original vol. 1655-1702, p. 19. In 1652, he contracts to build a sloop and a small boat in payment of a debt, due by him, for 47,632 lbs. of tobacco. See Ibid., original vol. 1652-1657, p. 25.
  4. Records of Lancaster County, original vol. 1690-1709, p. 19.
  5. Records of Lower Norfolk County, original vol. 1675-1680, f. pp. 16, 50. Ealfridge was also at one time in possession of a half interest in a mill; see Ibid., original vol. 1666-1675, p. 170.
  6. Records of Lower Norfolk County, original vol. 1666-1675, p. 9. Among other shipwrights residing in Lower Norfolk County, who were owners of land, were Nicholas Wise, John Creekman, Isaac Seaborne, John Tucker, Quintillian Gutterick, Roger Houseden, Edward Wilder; in Rappahannock, Simon Miller, who, on one occasion, bought 625 acres in one tract (Records of Rappahannock County, 1668-1672, p. 139, Va. State Library), John Griffin; in Lancaster, William Edwards; in Northampton, Walter Price, Christopher Stribling; and in Elizabeth City, George and Jacob Walker.